
Or don’t and be a bitter bollocks over something that happened a few months ago on an internet forum.


Sidney really has a lot of fanboys.

You’re a dangerous bastard Mac.

The Internet never forgives and it certainly never forgets.


You’re the lad that made jokes about @Sidney’s father, aren’t you?

And you think I’m pathetic? :smile:

At least I don’t go around making jokes about people having cancer or having dementia like you, pal.

Ah lovely.



I think I’ll open that naggin of two trees

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Come on guys, no feuding in the feuds thread.


Stand back.

I’d back away slowly there fella

@sidney is slobbering all over the keyboard now!

Step off he should

Lads are only getting warmed up here… This is going to run and run…

A truth that was lost on the misogyny set here when they tried to delete their entire posting histories. :smiley:

Sidney 1 Misogynist Creeps 0

Oggy oggy oggy

Oil oil oil

You’ve aligned yourself with the lunatic, there’s no going back for you now.

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Have you the bag of heroin ready to read this for the night?

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Like the time he stalked that girl to Australia.


She was the one running then.not far enough

Oh to be a fly on the wall as the misogynist creeps furiously tried to delete their posting histories that fateful night :grin:

There were lads here that genuinely thought they were going to lose their jobs over it, you know, and @dodgy_keeper his dole.

Oh the hilarity.