Fidel Castro


Decent profile of him here

In a sense, Castro’s entire life’s work may be summed up in this way: agree with his views or not, condone his methods or fiercely dispute them, he fought indefatigably against tremendous odds throughout his political life – and in so doing achieved an astonishing degree of influence across the globe. Maybe his legacy will stand the test of time, as he claimed at April’s congress, or maybe not. But for the most part, Castro, iconic hero of the left, was on the right side of history.

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Just reading there about how Castro treated the gays. Jesus he gave them some doing. He fucking despised them. The way he treated them was savage. Like dogs. Worse than criminal. He was some man.


Some facts

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What I find incredible is the visoral Michael D…a gentleman is getting over this.

Free speech is only allowed when it suits.

Some unbelievable stats there particularly the AIDS one. What a leader

Ever hear of a gay socialis heading to Cuba to live the dream?
Me neither.

Castro kept these cunts out of his country too. Have to give him credit for that.

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You’re fierce worried about the gay’s.

He’s obsessed with them.

Riggins is a poor man’s Jeremy Hopkiss.

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Lay off tat bud @HBV is on about human rights

He killed 70000 of his political rivals

He still hasn’t backed it up.

That’s actually sub- @Tim_Riggins, it’s that cliched. :smile:

Who would have thought it possible?..

There’s been a settled Traveller family living around the corner from the house here for the last 40 years and they get on just fine.

One of my best friends back in Dublin is also from a Traveller background.

Nobody called you a Champagne socialist mate, so no need to be a screaming Mullally about it.
Tuborg is a far cry from Champagne.


Sparkling original wit, as sparkling as three day old Tuborg. It’s the originality that makes it, it really is.

No wonder you can’t take a joke - your sense of humour is as shit as your political understanding.

FFs @Sidney

Sidney you’re a laughing stock around here these days.

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