Fidel Castro

Do you notice anything about the type of person who glorifies fellas like Castro?
Generally the type who are not capable of making things happen for themselves in the real world. Living in a shithole doing what you’re told in return for the same dinner as all your neighbors is their dream.

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Leave @Tassotti alone bud

they wouldn’t work to warm themselves

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It’s worse that that. The champagne variety are distraught about the plight of the Palistinians, the Syrians, the Cubans, basically anyone leaving in poverty a safe distance from them. If a traveler family moved into a house near them, they’d go berserk.


The same people were passionate about the rights of paid of queers being allowed act out husband and wife yet glorify Castro who murdered thousands of gays for wanting to be gay.
‘Socialist’ lefties come across as awful thick bastards to me. Practically every sound they make is hypocritical.


Not in terms of the size or totality of mass murder that took place. But he did atempt to hire ex nazis during the missile crisis. He also jailed homosexuals.
No you say his intentions were good.
Hitler saw the treaty of Versaille as the ultimate insult to German people in so far as it rendered the German States bankrupt. It could be argued with some legitimacy that Hitlers initial intentions were to seek nothing more then justice for Germany as he saw it then. Yes he ultimately went down the route of what he considered world domination on the basis that Germany and the German people were the ultimate in terms of racial creation. He was fucking nuts. Castro took coin and used Cuba and the Cuban people for his own personal gain.

What are you trying to say here pal?

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NIMBYISM at it it’s best.

Same-sex relationships were decriminalised in Cuba in 1979. In Ireland it was 1993.

When you’re not the Western Medias lapdog…they’ll say anything about you pal.

He wasnt perfect…but at least he had and stood by his political beliefs.Hitler he was not.

This nutcase wanted to press the button and start a nuclear war, even the Russians had to reign him in, apart from that, and the murder, the repression and the torture his heart was in the right place

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ARE you forgetting why

That you’re a thick fucker.

Then do tell me why he rid the planet of thousands of them?

Hitler he was not. I agree with you there. Your initial point was that his intentions were good. Like I said, you could legitimately make the same argument about Hitler based on events leading up to the second world war. Hitler also stood by his political beliefs.


Try and articulate yourself properly next time please. I know that is quite difficult for a slavering moron like you, but take your time when you are posting.

Talking to me bud

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Unlike bush and obama who murdered millions for nothing

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Bit rich coming from you considering your avatar

The bootlickers are very low on facts re Castro.