Fidel Castro

You are allowed access the internet in Cuba

You seem to be quite alright with all of it.

Cuba has nothing to learn from the US in terms of human rights.


In 1959 the Yanks owned:

  • 40 percent of the sugar producing land
  • Almost all of the cattle ranches
  • 90% of the mines
  • 80% of national utilities
  • The oil industry

Cuba was a sex and gambling slum, ruthlessly exploited for whatever resources it had in the classic colonial fashion. To top it off, Batista had murdered 20,000 people since seizing power in '52, with total US support. This is the paradise Castro stole from the Cubans.


Olivier Stone-fuckin legend

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That was a deal they did to drive the Spanyards out . It caused huge problems in US did the war .

Did it ever occur to people that the Cubans mightn’t actually need GPS devices which track their every move, McFlurries or overpriced Somalian roasted coffee, selfie fucking sticks and all the materialistic bullshit that prevails in western society these days. Listening to American commentators with their bleached white teeth and hair plugs is nauseating.


Under Batista, a third of the population of Cuba lived in absolute poverty. Castro eradicated that.

In 1958, under the Batista dictatorship, half of Cuba’s children did not attend school. The literacy campaign begun by Castro in 1961 led, in 1970, to Unesco declaring Cuba the country with the highest primary and secondary school enrolment in Latin America.

No gains, though, eh @anon7035031?

was that JFK?

That’s a smashing post.

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Ha ha hA : nice sitting on my middle class hole in Ireland expecting the dagos and spades in Cuba to have the same comforts I have . How hip and cool you are .

Is that better or worse than pretending they’d have them without Castro?

I don’t know and don’t care . My beef here is certain folk eulogising a murderous dictator , I have a basic principle here. Many here don’t share that .

Yes, but the things you “don’t know and don’t care” about are also important. Another principle that many don’t seem to share.



He’s living on his knees and doesn’t even know it

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You’d feel sorry for him if he wasnt such a dick

He held onto power for half a century and handed it over to his brother.

No excuse.

You asked a hypothetical question. I could not answer . The bottom you is that you and your fellow travellers are eulogising a dictator. That says it all. Nice , smug middle class professionals having a bit of escapism .