Fidel Castro

Go live there auxie .

Over 1.5 million left but who cares about those who flee from a dictator when they vote for the Republican Party?

The republicans here canā€™t even see that . They would know a republican if he hit them in the face .

ā€œfellow travellersā€ - check
ā€œnice smug, middle class professionalsā€ - check

Time to update the right-wing cliche bingo thread.

So you agree . Grand .

Time to update the right-wing cliche bingo thread again.

Ya ; supporting dictators !!! Torture bingo !!! Gay oppression !!! Wahoo . Sidney grow up .

Time to update the right-wing cliche bingo thread again!

Christ your comic value exceeds your naivety . Grow up .

My comic value is always entirely intentional.

Yours is entirely unintentional.

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Amazing to see your bleeding heart when people whose political persuasion you agree with take to sea of their own volition.

Iā€™d be inclined to take you a lot more seriously if you and others like you showed a bit more sympathy to those taking to sea who are fleeing from, you know, actual war (as opposed to a peaceful country), rather than vilifying them.

Iā€™d also be inclined to take you a lot more seriously if you hadnā€™t spent the last ten months vilifying anybody trying to get into the USA from Latin American countries.


So you you donā€™t really believe in dictatorship and are having a WUM . Grand . We will leave it there .

Cubans are cool with Timmy as most of them will vote Republican and keep Florida red,spics from south america, well they can just fuck right off and die.

Is that meant to be funny or something. As funny as a thuggish dictator ???

No you just donā€™t get it.

I have stated over and over that the US are hypocritical. In global affairs they have propped up dictators for various reasons over the years, which was wrong.

A guy like Pinochet was a scumbag. The left will tell us all about his human rights abuses. Michael D goes and gets awards for speaking out. When Thatcher dies itā€™s front and center on her legacy as Prime Minister.

People like Michael D go mental about Guantanamo Bay and human rights abuses (, yet donā€™t have a problem with Castroā€™s forced labour camps, imprisoning his opponents and sending many to the firing squad. You look for balance.

The US invades Iraq - its the worst thing ever. First thing youā€™ll go on about when Bush dies, Iraq and WMDs. Castro intervened in Africa and brought about 10s of thousands of deaths (you can read The Guardian contributor Lara Pawsonā€™s work on this). First thing you look for, balance.

Castro reneged on a promise of democracy for half a century. You claim to love democracy. People like you claim to dislike the Monarchy because of hereditary privilege, yet you look for balance with Castro when he handed power off to his brother.

You rail against corruption and the elites enriching themselves. Castro had properties across Cuba and a personal holiday island at one point. You look for balance.

Michael D and the likes demand for refugees to be treated fairly from the likes of Syria, yet you guys smear the million plus Cubans in Flordia as an irrelevance because they donā€™t vote for your team.

Nobody minds a bit of hypocrisy as it is the only way the world will function at times, but from the likes of yourself, who preaches moral virtue in international affairs at every corner, it is hilarious. If when Pinochet had died and someone looked to give a ā€œbalancedā€ obit, youā€™d go ape. Nobody looks to make more political currency out of every grievance in the world than the left, but here they are going to bat for a guy just because he spearheaded their anti American fantasies.


Illegals can FRO correct, legals of all skins and creed are a-okay

Weā€™ll get back into this tomorrow Iā€™m off to bed Iā€™ve to be up by 12

[quote=ā€œSidney, post:368, topic:23439, full:trueā€] Under Batista, a third of the population of Cuba lived in absolute poverty. Castro eradicated that. No gains, though, eh @labane1917?
Cuba: A development model that proved the doubters wrong | Global development | The Guardian [/quote]

The Guardian :joy: Another example of the Hollywood version of history.

Imagine that, 30% of people in Cuba lived in poverty in the 1950s. What do you think the % was in other Latin American countries, seeing as the average income in Cuba was the third highest in Latin America at the time, only better in Venezuela and Argentina? What do you think the % living in poverty in Ireland was in the 1950s? Cuba was one of the most advanced and successful countries in Latin America before Castroā€™s revolution, with per capita income around 60% of Europe and 30% of the US, higher than Spain, Italy and Japan. The per capita income in Cuba now is fucking lower than it was in 1959, before Castroā€™s glorious revolution.

Leaving aside the embarrassing fact that Cubans were better off in 1953 than they are in 2016, it is utterly moronic to compare eras, given the massive strides made by the rest of the developed (capitalist) world during that time. Cuba has been long surpassed economically by almost every other Latin American country, including those it was way ahead of in 1953. Except of course Venezuela, which has been reduced to an utter shithole by your communist buddies.

As for health and education metrics, Cuba was 13th in the world for child mortality rates in 1958, and today has slipped to 24th, so much for progress. Literacy rates and spending on education were the highest per capita in Latin America. The difference between Cuba of 1958 and Cuba under Castro is it went from 30% living in poverty to everyone except for Castro and his mates living in poverty.

The lefties desperately need to cling to Cuba and Castro as their one shining light of a successful Communist regime. How pathetic.

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[quote=ā€œSidney, post:391, topic:23439, full:trueā€]
Iā€™d also be inclined to take you a lot more seriously if you hadnā€™t spent the last ten months vilifying anybody trying to get into the USA from Latin American countries.[/quote]

Its remarkable you still donā€™t understand the difference between legal and illegal immigration, even though its been explained to you at least a dozen times.

The US has very progressive immigration laws, since 1970 the number of immigrants has risen from 10M to 42.4M. 46% of this number are from Latin America, Mexico alone accounts for 28%. There is no vilification from liberals or conservatives on those who enter the country legally. Basically you are talking through your arse, as usual.

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