Fidel Castro

The most mind numbing stupidity of the Irish loony lefties is the bemoaning of the plight of Cubans in the 1950s, a country that had a far higher standard of living than Ireland at the time (due to American investment). Gasp, Cuba had 30% poverty in 1953, how awful.

Suck on this you utter lunaticsā€¦ and this is in 2013, not fucking 1953. According to the CSO, Irelandā€™s rate of enforced deprivation (fancy term for poverty) doubled from 2008 to 2013 and now stands atā€¦ drumrollā€¦ 30%. Even the Russian apologists at are taking the piss.


Suggestions amongst the right wing online brigade in canada that Trudeau might have been castros love child


Lefty headbangers up half the night getting outraged :joy:

The lefty socialists are as a rule extremely intolerant of other peoples views. Every issue is black and white with these people which is why every cause they take on has them knee deep in hypocracy.

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You wonā€™t see any of them before 1pm when they get up to sign on :joy:

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@Watch_The_Break doesnā€™t need to open the student Union till 2

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Why canā€™t they all be open-minded and tolerant like you?

Would you ask them?

Iā€™m starting to think thereā€™s some hidden agendaā€™s at play here in this entire ā€œwas Castro soundā€ debate.

Wow, looks like the usual left wing extremist fascists have let their hate become their number 1 characteristic.

You guys should move your political mindset to right wing or even centre right. By doing that you have a much better chance of being happy and successful.


@Sidney, @Matty_Hislop, and @Nembo_Kid have thoroughly routed the dimwit fascists on this thread.


@Sidney 's INTERNETTING last night between around 10.15pm and 12.25am was sensational alright.


His credibility is shot anyway

Good morning.


Please tell me where thereā€™s a differentiation between between legal and illegal immigration here, please.

Iā€™ll give you a clue - there isnā€™t. Only vilification - of all immigrants from Latin American countries. Itā€™s remarkable you donā€™t understand that, but clearly youā€™re willing to stick your fingers in your ears because it doesnā€™t suit your agenda.

Of course what Trump wants is to stop the whites losing their majority.

One thing is for sure - it wonā€™t be a bad thing when whites in the US lose that majority.

Jeff Sessions is explicitly anti-legal immigration, by the way.

Heā€™s only Trumpā€™s nomination for Attorney General.

Does this mean communism has won? Well thank God thatā€™s all over now.

Fascists need an intruder. The notion that they are only concerned about a specific situation or group is contradicted by their entire history, which one way or another finds a way to depict black people, latinos, or failing that homosexuals as a threat to civilisation.

Please state a list of sources which are acceptable to your fantasy version of history.

Remember, youā€™ve already ruled the following as illegitimate: The Guardian, the New York Times, the Washington Post, CNN, Vox, and anything from the ā€œliberal mediaā€.

The ā€œliberal mediaā€ encompassing everything from sources other than Fox News, the Murdoch press, Breitbart and alt-right blogs, of course.

You asked for gains. You got them. Now youā€™re whinging because you got them.

You have an utter inability to comprehend something other than in bare money terms. Youā€™re the stereotypical fool mentioned above who thinks the mark of success of a country is having casinos, McFlurries, McDonalds drive throughs, smart phones and, shit healthcare, shit education and massive poverty rather than a reasonable standard of living for everyone.

Presumably you lived in Cuba in the 1950s to know what the people there thought, you seem quite nostalgic for it.

Again, the complete failure to comprehend anything except through economic statistics.

Cuba has less poverty than any of those countries.

You also presumably lived in Venezuela in the late 90s to know so much more than the average Venezuelan who continually elected socialists, as did most countries in South America. I canā€™t think why they would have done that, oh wait, I can - itā€™s because US-backed regimes didnā€™t care about the people of those countries, only profit.

In 1959 there were 6,000 doctors in all of Cuba. 60 infants died per 1,000 births. 12 mothers died per 10,000 births.

Life expectancy was 58 years.

Cuba now has an infant mortality rate less than that of the USA.

And youā€™re telling us that it would have been better off with a US puppet regime, when the USA itself canā€™t even do as well as Cuba in terms of infant mortality rates. :smile:

You really do have some strange notions about health and education.

Castro reduced Cubaā€™s illiteracy rate from over 20% to less than 4% in one year.

Iā€™ll repeat the line I posted earlier from the Guardian:
The literacy campaign begun by Castro in 1961 led, in 1970, to Unesco declaring Cuba the country with the highest primary and secondary school enrolment in Latin America.

Read it this time.