Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

You “disagreed” with it. He doubled down on it, continued to insult and use victims of The Troubles as a political football and his party made no sanction or condemnation of him.

It’s the culture of FG to cynically use victims of The Troubles as political footballs without a shred of regard to them. It’s toxic, right out of the Trump/Tory playbook of referencing incidents 40 years ago to deflect away from current govt failings and scandals.

It’s also hugely hypocritical for them when they never offered any sense of justice or compassion to the innocent victims of their founding father and add insult to injury by continuing to glorify people like Richard Mulcahy and WT Cosgrave.

I’d like to see you address that but you refuse to, instead ranting away about SF.

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He’s of the opinion that the Provos helped violence spiral and impacted on this. Again it is a viewpoint similar to the one that says that the Troubles and all violence was ultimately the result of Britain.

Again, FG had a Taoiseach on the record as being highly critical of the War of Independence. They also had the likes of James Dillon as leader, what do you think his family view was of the WoI? :grinning::grinning::grinning:

It’s a broad church really. A point you miss on FG and FF of yesteryear is that once they got power they did not engage in forlorn campaigns to justify the unjustifiable like various Civil War acts. They expended their energy on the State and the Constitution, for better or worse. PSF have spent most of their energy on trying to get “their” boys viewed the same way that a Michael Collins was. That’s why we had the campaign over the likes of the Castlerea Five campaign where they were celebrated and supported for trying to rob social welfare and murdering a police officer.

There is a point to he made that Ireland cannot move forward to a UI whilst celebrating the men of 1916 or the WoI like they do. A very convincing one in fact, however PSF are a mile from that.

Maybe he should read the Barron report and see the role his own political party played in ensuring those victims and their families never got justice.

He didn’t believe any of what you said. He grossly insulted victims of state terrorism with poisonous lies. It was an outrageous comment to make, laden in mistruths an inverted sectarian motives against northern nationalist.

The same Taoiseach who did everything in his power to scupper a peace deal in the north, who did everything in his power to suppress the role of the British state in terrorist atrocities from being uncovered? Where did Bruton publicly vilify Mulcahy? Where did he condemn his parties glorification of Collins? Nowhere.

It’s not really, founded in far right fascism with disgusting gaslighting of minority communities and working class people from the day dot, from one leader to the next. FFG never condemned the Civil War, they just pretended it never happened, no justice for the victims, no enquiries, still denying any proper account of what happened in Ballyseedy 100 years on. FG annualy eulogise people like Mulcahy as a hero yet never express remorse or regret at Ballyseedy, about Eoin O’Duffy, Blythe and all the other heinous individual associated with their foundation. They just pretend they don’t exist.

They want truth and accountability on The Troubles, but only on the republican side, they want to protect British state involvement in the largest terrrorist atrocity in their own state. They never had any truth and accountability on the Civil War and openly celebrate and eulogise the main protagonists without any remorse expressed for the some of their actions.

You’re a walking, talking contradiction.


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FG are inherently racist.

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A very strong FG source tells me Hugo and Jennifer have split. No wonder she was throwing herself into the Dun Laoghaire locals the last few weeks

[quote=“Spidey, post:603, topic:5555”]
No wonder she was throwing herself into the Dun Laoghaire locals the last few weeks


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That’s a several months old story at this stage.

It’ll be handier fit her name on the ballot paper for the general election.

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Jennifer Carroll formerly mcneill

The argument on who should vacate. the family home will be interesting. 'You go Hugo! 'No dear you go!


Ah lovely :clap:

I think Jennifer is hot. There. I said it

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She’s attractive in that haughty blueshirt sort of way.

You’d kill for the chance to say you always wanted to be put through the gap left by Hugo.



She looks a bit like she could be a sister of Glenda Gilson but she has extra Mr. Ed horse face features.


There’s been a lot of work done there. I’d say if she missed a few injections you could get a droopy dawg

Where Hugo I’ll follow

Regina of the many genders has driven the lettuce cult cracked.

Ossian flinging toys out of the pram on the news there.

Harris should go for it now and finish the job