Ireland politics (Part 2)

Thatā€™s it. Bad and all as the health, immigration or housing crises are, they dont affect enough people to make a difference


Weā€™ll be the best country in the world to shelter in during the impending nuclear winter.

Is she? I hadnā€™t heard that.

You need to keep up with the blue shirts thread

I didnā€™t know we had one, it doesnā€™t seem very active.

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Thatā€™s interesting, seems like a bunch of rumours all in one post.

This article looks even more silly after everyone has had a bit of time to see the full composition of the Commission.

She got out before it was time to start changing heā€™s nappies

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Hugoā€™s Huggies.

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This is a bit overstated. Nobody had a clue who most of the SF candidates were last time out. FF used to get 3 TDs over the line in some places based on the brand and transfers.

In what way?

Iā€™m not sure the thrust of the article - that weā€™re rapidly burning through goodwill in Brussels - is just limited to perception of what portfolio we got

The portfolio we were assigned, as it turns out, is not that bad. Many others got screwed to the wall worse, including bigger countries. VDL created loads of overlapping profiles to ensure no one could become too influential.

On burning through goodwill, Iā€™m not sure thatā€™s true. Thereā€™s always going to be some areas of tension across the range, weā€™re in a tricky enough space on a few of them at the moment but weā€™re navigating ok Iā€™d say. Where Drea shows himself up is the line I quoted earlier, suggesting Ireland should ā€œgo bigā€ and try fill the UKā€™s place in the EU. It betrays his own political leanings and ideology. Itā€™s also laughable that Ireland would try to take up that mantle. Talk about burning through goodwill. That line gives the lie to his whole article.

thereā€™s plenty of goodwill for the irish in brussels, but where we are lacking severely is influence. the number of irish working in DGs is pitiful and other countries have wised that if you staff the commission or a particular DG, you influence that area is a big way.

We need to back to a 1980s economy to encourage people to pursue careers in the EU again.

nothing so drastic is required. just make it a more attractive option and put as much resources into training course for SNEs, how to succeed at EU interviews etc and take the hit for a few without costs posts.

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Is there even a smidgin of doubt that if we send over our two most vociferously anti-establishment mandarins in @glasagusban and @artfoley that weā€™ll end up holding the whip hand in no time at all?


Some fellas donā€™t like democracy

Meltdown in the comments here as well

You have to think Sinn Fein made a huge mistake not forming a government when they had the chance