Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Not a normal party.

Hang on a sec - that surely isn’t an anti-FG article in the mainstream media!!! But I read on here that this doesn’t happen due to some vague and vast conspiracy :dizzy_face:


What you will find is there will be no furore on this like their was with the SF will.

It will be forgotten about tomorrow but you know this. Tokenism I think is what they call it.

That’s an extremely nuanced conspiracy by the media it has to be said. Do they all just “know” or would you say they explain it to each other when they meet up?

It’s not really a nuanced conspiracy.

The editorial direction is very much to support the establishment parties and bash SF.

Why do you think a guy like Larry Goodman and Denis O’Brien get little media focus and someone like Paddy Cosgrave does?

They have a great headline today about a SF golf event in the US

Hard to work out why a scandal involving the obsessive self promoting publicity whore Paddy Cosgrave would attract the interest of media.

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I agree with you that there wasn’t enough coverage of this at the time. That was lucky for Paddy.

No puns about bunkers here

Deflecting from the point.

Why do the media avoid reporting on DOB and LG for example?



Paddy has got relatively little enough media coverage . However do you honestly think the media are not going to report of a feud between a few rich kids

That’s factually incorrect.

In the last month;



Check out the vaccine Nazis

Poor @Fulvio_From_Aughnacloy would have to wait outside


nice to see dinny getting a bit of defamation act karma.

but here’s the nub, paddy couldnt even get a bit of wifi out of the irish govt while dinny and larry, after significant findings of malfeasance, continue to get juicy govt contracts and remain unprosecuted

fuck your honda civic, ive a nordie outside

Paddy got loads out of the Irish government and the State, it ultimately wasn’t enough for him to stay as he got a better offer.

nowehere near what dinny and larry got

Oh so now you’re going for the relative angle?

What happened with Cosgrave was that he got a better offer but got offended that this was called out as the reason for him leaving. This is because he has a giant ego and cannot handle any criticism. And nor can DOB for that matter.