Fine Gael - Hugging The Touchline On The Right Wing?

Nope that’s tokenism.

You’re just being silly now.

Tim Riggins defending the indefensible as per usual.

Nope they’re factual pieces.

Tbh I don’t understand why you don’t support DOB yourself? You have no moral compass so it would fit right in with your worldview?

Just staging facts. You are the type that reads something in the media but then deludes yourself that it was special insight of yours and the media don’t report it. I’d call you thick but I’ll put it down to your mediocre education in the 6 counties.

Nope they are tokenism. The Irish MSM fail to report on DOB proportionately to all the cronyism and corruption he was up to his neck in. Some effort at spin by you but it doesn’t hold up.

Catholic schools excel in the O6.

You’re as thick as a ditch and you went to a fee paying school.

This is factually incorrect.

The only reason you know about it is the MSM. The same MSM that DOB has continued to sue and demand retractions.

You are telling more porkies Tim.

Okay then you must be stupid? This is an either or thing here, the facts are that the media print regular articles on those two individuals and those are the articles you reference. What a waste of an education.

you only know about it because they are safely reporting on court proceedings, which, as oyu know, is not actionable. any time they stray from that its a letter and a lawsuit

Profile - Denis O’Brien (2013). - Village Magazine

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Nope. They disproportionately report on one and disproportionately under report on the other.

You’re telling fibs.

I wonder had any of the participants have to hit a “Gerry Adams”? Appropriate in the circumstances.

and what negative tribunal inquiry findings are there against cosgrave?

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This is factually incorrect.

DOB has taken out numerous defamation cases. One of the most recent ones was against the Sunday Business Post and it’s editorial team. One of that editorial team is currently sitting on the Board of RTÉ.

The exposure of Michael Lowry and DOB was made by Sam Smyth in a mainstream publication. This was after Smyth had had a defamation action taken by him by Michael Lowry in 1995 for comments made on RTÉ.

Following additional comments made on another station (TV3), Smyth was again sued by Lowry.

Despite the control DOB was leveraging off INM at the time, the Independent celebrated when the action was thrown out.

Vincent Browne even penned a piece in the Irish Times attacking DOB and referencing his past dealings with Smyth.

We could go on, as the media report on DOB incessantly, but I focused on a few areas here.

So will you go ahead and now retract your statement? I know given your past support for Gemma O’Doherty that you have a vague connection on what constitutes journalism, but surely when you will have the good grace to admit that your above statement was incorrect.

That’s not relevant. Others bring up DOB in association with PC’s coverage.

PC has made many claims over the years, one that includes that the Web Summit is the only worthwhile Irish company for a decade. Would you not say that court proceedings of such a self promotionalist and high profile company deserve media attention? After all in the above you (falsely) claimed that the media only coded DOB in the context of court cases, so why not here?

i presume the above is a wind up

we’ll never know how many pieces were spiked because of a letter from dinnys solicitors

You said they don’t report on it.

Now you say disproportionate. Given you have bigged up the British education you’ve received, we can only conclude that you are a stupid individual given that the facts are not on your side here.

No it isn’t a wind up.

You stated that they only report when he is in court. Historically and currently this is factually incorrect.

Well done, you’ve read (in the media) that he is litigious. The facts are that without the mainstream media it is highly unlikely that DOB’s actions would have come to the attention of the public.

So please retract your incorrect post.

Yes, I was speaking in general terms.

Interesting you now have to resort to semantics to try and bring a modicum of integrity to your spin.

No no, you were definitive. And wrong.

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