Fitness XL- Your training routine

[QUOTE=“tazdedub, post: 1156166, member: 312”]Thanks @ChocolateMice, I was beginning to think the place had been over run by fun boys.

Anyway I finally went to see a physio about the strength problem in the my legs and he found that there is a huge imbalance between the strength in my quads and in my hamstrings and also that my hip flexibility and flexibility in general is shit. He started me on a programme and the difference that it made in first 5 weeks was unreal. Most of the exercises were body weight one with only the leg press as the weighted one. I can already see the definition in my quads and can feel the strength returning. I now have dont have to worry about my knees buckling if I have to stop suddenly especially in a tennis match. :slight_smile:

My legs work out is

Single leg press - 3 sets of 15, starting at 60kgs
Double leg press - 3 sets of 15, starting at 180kgs
seated squat - 3 sets of 15, starting at 7kg
lunges - 3 sets of 15
single leg Step ups – 3 sets of 15
single leg step downs - 3 sets of 15
leg raises with resistance band - 3 sets 15
squats with Olympic barbell over head - 3 sets of 15
Leg extension with resistance band - 3 sets of 15
hip abduction with resistance band - 3 sets of 15
supine back bridge using exercise ball - 3 sets of 15
single leg back bridge using exercise ball - 3 sets of 15.
resistance band walks - 3 sets of 15.
Balance exercises.

Where’s Kev to cast his eye over this nonsense?

Vinokourov. "I had too much blood in my legs’

[QUOTE=“Kinvara’s Passion, post: 1156130, member: 686”]I got an awful run around in training last night from a young fella half my age. It was the first proper session back after the rib injury and the ribs are well mended at this stage but fitness has suffered.

If it was a game I would definitely have had to resort to off the ball shenanigans which is disappointing but you do what you have to.

Anyway, upwards and onwards. We have a game tomorrow evening so in the event that I’ll get landed with a young speedster, can any of you advice what the best plan of action is.

What insults would work best with an 18 year old? How would you get under their skin?[/QUOTE]
I can’t even catch up with the little fuckers to get a hold of the jersey any more.

You could cut his hair whilst you’re at it.
“Been anywhere nice?”

[QUOTE=“ChocolateMice, post: 1156125, member: 168”]bumped for @tazdedub - the hard graft is done in this thread… the other one is full of fun boys and spoofers.

Anyways, I started back in the gym last week, hadn’t lifted weights seriously in 6 months… Long road back, strength was well down naturally.

Pull ups - 3 x 7
Bench - 3 x 10 60kg, 70kg, 80kg
Squat - 3 x 10 60kg
Deadlift - 3 x 8 60kg, 70kg, 80kg
Lunges 3 x 10 with 15kg dumbells + 10 rear lunges after each set
Push ups 3 x12
Hip thrusters 3 x 10 60kg

I was stiff for 3 days and went again…should be easier this week :pint:[/QUOTE]
Did this again this morning, hit 110kg on the deadlift and still had more in me, not bad for third session back.

why you persisting with the bench pal?

Get your form down for the dead lift before you do anything else…

Deadlift first fella.

[QUOTE=“count of monte cristo, post: 1156615, member: 348”]why you persisting with the bench pal?

Get your form down for the dead lift before you do anything else…[/QUOTE]

I won’t be going too heavy on bench - just for general strength and body proportion after doing pull-ups.

Weighted push ups are a more functional exercise IMO. Weighted vests or get someone to put 20KG on your back.

Kevin, have you any handy hamstring strengthening exercises that don’t require a visit to a gym?

dumbells are far better imo, prevent imbalances

Juhniallio, Try doing the supine back bridge, its great for the hamstrings, you can start off easy and make it harder.

Nordics. Best hamstring exercise there is, strengthening and injury prevention. Nothing better has been come up with to date anyway.

Appreciating that you’re just getting back into the gym after a lengthy sojourn, how happy with your physical shape were you when you challenged a stranger off the INTERNET to a fight?

I have serious issues doing those. I always cramp in my calves.

Being honest, If he had turned up and I didn’t manage to take him in the first 2/3 minutes I may have been in trouble. My City upbringing would have been heavily called on at that point and I would have bit,scraped,gouged or would have looked for a nearby weapon to get my way out of it. I’d have found a way, but I wasn’t at optimum fitness… He challenged me tho, mate - Which shows even more bravery on my part that I still turned up while out of shape.

Agree and agree - I’m just warming up lads, blowing away a few cobwebs.

You’re very modest, pal. Just looking at your recent Facebook pictures here and you look in pretty decent shape.

Squeeze your Glutes. Go as slowly as possible. And get someone to hold correctly at ankles. Can’t come off the ground.

I don’t think anyone’s doubting your bravery mate. I noticed you’ve called out another poster on his spoofer ways and he’s ran a mile. You have the fear of god put in half the board.