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Truth… But big food is a powerful lobby and at the end of the day we’d all starve to death without a lot of these chemical interventions.

I met an old chemistry lecturer recently, since retired. She is dedicating a large part of her free time to research on the side effects of aspartame. Again big business got that one over the line back in the 80s. Think Rumsfeld was involved.

The rules for organic beef farming are pretty strict. I’ve looked into it and despite the extra income the regulation makes it very difficult.

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I have no doubt, the heath benefits of Organic over conventional are non existent though.


Ah fuck, no more but of slice smoked salmon on a slice of brown loaf with a bit of butter.

Hmmm… I’d agree with you to a certain extent.

Read up in ecoli levels in US beef which is gm corn fed. Cattle were are built to eat grass. In the US… 98% of cattle will never see grass, they get reared in corn.

Their stomachs literally can’t fully break it down which leads to their stomachs becoming havens for bacteria.

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Agree rating

Yeah farmed salmon is dreadful stuff, dangerous. I only eat salmon now that i buy myself from a market, caught wild from the sea. You can taste the difference too. I don’t think the cost is astronomically more either, €2.50 for a cutlet i pay. Supermarket farmed salmon would be similar price i suspect? My family think i’m mad.

No pal, you’ll be alright. I previously read to stay away from more than one portion of tuna a day. That’s because of tuna being a carnivorous fish which results in it containing high levels of magnesium, which apparently will fuck you up.

Not denying there may not be something wrong with farmed fish of course as the description

Just ask if it is wild. Not that much white fish is farmed. Avoid trout and salmon would be my advice. Organic, in these circumstances means organically farmed. Each to their own. I’ve no problem with red meat or sausages or offal in moderation, but I won’t touch farmed fish, organic (whatever that means) or otherwise.

Wild Alaskan is the way to go. Dearer but it’s way nicer, and the texture is completely different.

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Silicon Valley is well worth a watch in your ‘downtime’ Kev. Funny shit.

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Socks and jocks, that all you need really.

Only place to get it pal. Chose wisely though! If you choose a sustainable catch you’ll be doing the fisheys favour too. I use pollack whenever I can get my hands on it. Makes a lovely beer-battered fish.

Yes he was - and Reagan too. Probabaly the first conspiracy to really catch my attention. (I love my food and woe betide any cunt that tries to poison it!)

I recommend That Sugar Film as a brief insight into how food lobbyists and corporate interests really work.

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Look into salvestrols pal. From memory, they are the key disease-fighting components in fruit and veg - and I’m pretty sure there’s a sizeable difference between organic and non-organic.

The research that went into the cross breeding of corn in the 60’s and 70’s really changed the game.

I’d rather be mad (when compare to the “norm”) than a fucking sheep. At the very least, everyone involved in this discussion here has stopped to think about their food. That immediately puts us in the minority.


Don’t you mean mercury, instead of magnesium?

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I think he does mean mercury.

Whatever Flatty said.

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