Fitness XL- Your training routine

Whats heavy duty mobility work?

Foam rolling, squats, push-ups and light reps first. Yeah one sitting Kev.

Yesterday was bench press, over head press, lat pull down, and single arm row -all 10x10.

Today will be: DL, squat, lat pulldown, overhead press -all 10x10.

Just lots of it

Half the session or more is mobility which I need


what kind of exercises do you do for mobility?

Will dig out descriptions or names of them

Prisoner, ITW and barrel of monkeys are 3 of the shoulder ones

a gentleman.

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Edited post there

They are good ones

Links here

Lots of news of Crossfit numbers dwindling. Word seems to be spreading that this is not worth the (insane) money thats handed over and certainly not the pain.
American Health Associations and the likes are starting to come out quite vocally now and numbers have dropped dramtically in places.

Give it 12 months and there’ll be another fad these idiots will have latched onto.

They look great, I badly need something like that.

Buggy racing is where it’s at


100kg squats this morning. Fucking delighted with that


Great going Taz

its an unreal feeling, in no time you’ll be punishing 120

Ran 14.5km this morning and am bollixed today. A few months ago I would have done that no bother. Fitness goes very quick.

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Imagine the benefits of doing two sessions at the SAME time .


90 euro a month in my local crossfit gym.

Thats actually cheap for them

Tenner a session for me. I try and go once a week. Absolute hottie taking it last Friday to boot.

I find it very useful provided one takes personal responsibility and common sense to each session.