Footix of the Day

When I first noticed Paul Howard on Twitter, I thought he was acting like that for the laugh. You know, he’s written Ross O’Carroll-Kelly, he’s taking the piss here too. But I soon realised he was not.


Good one mate :joy:



cc @farmerinthecity

They do. Cunt fans are generally deluded cunts.

It means more you see…

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cc @Aertel220 @Biff_Egan @caulifloweredneanderthal @FlakeAway @Kyle et al


How much does it cost?

I’m not going to fuck up my cookies/algorithm etc by looking that up


Savage :heart_eyes: Craig is a top red.

You get a free pint too and a wedgie when leaving afterwards.

Will the boss lad Jamie Webster be the live music, or will they have an Irish footix equivalent?


I’ll book a few seats on the Ratoath bus for yourself and the lads @StoneCold and @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

Just bought 6 tickets… Cant wait. Hope he uses different material to his Boston gig.

Is that @artfoley ?

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I know we all like having a laugh about this but just actually stop and think for a moment about that event and what it actually is and who’s performing. A fairly big venue, ticketmaster, it will probably sell out. It’s absolutely mind blowing really.


And the fella doing it can’t go to anfield because he’s despised because he’s Irish

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isnt he hated at anfield

he is from Wexford?