Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

It’s around 48m 55s.


RIP @Faldo - I feel lucky to have come across people like you on here. Sound gents, entertaining posters and I couldnt forget those golf tips.

Thoughts now with your family and friends pal. May they find some rest and strength.

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The best of TFK on show I thought I had identified myself! but anyhow donation made to a great cause like it or not it’s the one bastarding yoke that will impact all of us directly or indirectly


Thanks for posting that. Heartbreaking.

May the Lord rest him and may his memories and good deeds live on and sing to his darling girls.


Good man @Lazarus

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Fair play @Lazarus, my thoughts are with you and @ironmoth and all who had the pleasure of knowing him.

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Thanks too to @ironmoth & my sincerest condolences for your loss too bud.

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That’s an outstanding effort so far lads, good on you all


Deepest condolences @Lazarus @ironmoth but appreciate ye both letting us contribute in a small way.


Fair play @Lazarus
Condolences to yourself and @ironmoth


It’s desperately sad and hard to put words on it. Faldo posted about his girls and his worries about not being around for them. It’s upsetting and unfair and I feel for his wife and kids. Faldo himself came across on TFK as an unassuming, humble and sound gent. You can see that in those super clips of him playing football too. Touches of class in an unfussy, understated way. Condolences again to his friends on here and thanks for the lovely tributes. A nice idea to raise some funds for a worthy cause in his memory too. RIP @Faldo.


Fair play @Lazarus

Thanks for sharing lads.

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Well done for putting this together @Lazarus and @ironmoth


Heading for €3k already. :clap:

Not much else we can do sadly, but fair play lads

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The forum surpasses itself again. Incredible humanity on display here at times and fair play to the 2 boys for setting it up. Not a bad night’s work at all.


RIP faldo. I had to pick the right times to read these threads the last few days, very difficult to think about the heartbreak left behind for your family without getting fairly upset. I’ve no doubt you will have passed your inherent decency on to your four girls before you passed.

Condolences to @Lazarus and @ironmoth and anyone else who knew him in real life. Thanks for setting up the fund Laz, a lovely tribute to a very worthy cause.


Thanks @Lazarus for setting up the page. It’s just gone over €3k.

Fair play to ye all lads, yere a great bunch.

RIP Faldo

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Thanks Harry.

@Faldo’s brother hit the nail on the head in his wonderful eulogy; he was a people person at heart. A few of the lads here over the past few days alluded to the fact that, even in the middle of his own daunting journey, he’d still take the time to reach out and sympathise with someone going through their own hardships - almost as if to help carry the load. I saw it myself first hand; it’s a fantastic trait to have, and there were lessons there for me on what true humanity looks like.

While we’re waiting for the donations to get to over €3k, I’ve a few interesting facts about @Faldo I’d like to share. He had the patience of a saint. He was telling me that he went through 15 rounds of redesigns with @Lazarus when constructing the outdoor beer garden in the pub. Laz had a Tupperware box of sketches done out on beermats, and the only chippy left in Galway with the patience to work for the bould Laz was Faldo.

He loved his dog, and his dog loved him. They went everywhere together. The dog would never shit at home either - she’d wait until they got to your house, then straight over to underneath the clothesline, and boom!

You’d think a pint of Guinness would be a rite of passage for a young lad growing up in North Galway, but @Faldo was in his 40s when he had his first pint of stout. Mind you, he was only starting to get a lip for it too when he got his news.

And last, but not least, he loved this place and the lads posting here. You’ve all done a wonderful thing today. I see the donations have just shot past €3k in 3 hours. That money will, no doubt, help to lighten the burden for someone walking down the same road as @Faldo. He couldn’t have asked for a better send-off.

Here’s to @Faldo. :beers:


We just need Bubba Watson to win The Masters now.


just thinking this over; couldnt bring myself to watch the funeral as i wouldve felt voyeuristic never having met frank for real.

nut do you know what, his spirit is definitely living on through this place. given that frank was an outlier here being a straightshooter lad who couldnt do enough to help other people, cast adrift in a sea of idiosyncratic weirdos like us AFR heads and TFKers and yet in his memory he brought out the best of us all in that we raised 3 grand in his memory, and im presuming more.

well done to all concerned and especially to @Lazarus and @ironmoth who had the foresight, even in their grief, to make a positive memory out of @Faldo s passing

bravo lads and rest well frank