Frank Heverin (aka Faldo) RIP

Was this the famous beer garden he made for you?
I bet he was doing that as a nixer on a Saturday or Sunday morning.I can tell by the Levi’s and the Gaa hoodie :laughing:


I’m going to make it my business to drink in that beer garden @Lazarus before the summer is out.


@Lazarus and @ironmoth or whoever might know; I’ve been in contact with @Estebansexface and he’s asked what was Frank’s local golf course? Not sure if he had a membership or not with a club. Esteban is going to call them and arrange a charity event to raise money for his family.

cc all lads on here who have swung a golf club at some stage - would love to see you all at this event once it’s arranged. More to follow.


His local golf clubs were Tuam and Mountbellew, but I don’t think he was a member of either.

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In that case would somewhere like Dromoland be worth a shout. I know they do an open on a Friday for €45 but if they was enough interest I could email them and arrange a group. I know he played them a few times himself. It would be fairly central location for a lot of fellas on here too no matter where they are coming form.


Great idea, count me in wherever is decided

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€4,055 raised so far (against a target of €500). Brilliant contribution.


Is the link to donate visible on the forum banner or the thread opening post, or just on a post mid thread? If it’s the latter then maybe you could add it to those prominent spots too?


Added to opening post now


Got this off the Dromoland website. As you said, if we have enough numbers they might cut a deal for us.
Watched the Eulogy, prayers for the faithful and the round of thanks given. What a guy Frank was. Jaysus you’d be in bits for his family…


Done- small donation but thank you


@ironmoth or @Lazarus was Frank’s nickname @faldo in real life or just on TFK.

Mark of the man the fund was in support of, we’re not the worst bunch of assorted cunts.


Oooft !!!

Outstanding :clap:

A smashing post

Some great posts have been made in this thread and well done to @Lazarus for setting up the just giving page and to everyone who has given so generously in Frank’s memory. It’s taken me a while to write something here as I wasn’t sure what to add that wasn’t so eloquently and better put before me. I’d say I’m not the only one that this has affected in a way that has sort of shocked them given they didn’t know the man in real life behind the @Faldo moniker, but it has been foremost in my mind for the whole week since the news broke.

I didn’t cross paths with him much on here as he was frequenting topics I wasn’t interested in - the golf threads, Everton or EPL threads, NFL threads, DIY threads. But I knew he was part of the eco system here going back a long time and you instinctively knew he was a very decent and kind person. I was aware like everyone of his diagnosis but the swiftness of it left us all totally shocked I think. The night I read of his passing I put my child to bed and when the wife went up too I stayed up drinking whiskey until 1.30am grateful to be alive, wondering why it was @Faldo that was taken so young and thinking of my own mortality and how short life is. I was also sorry I didn’t know him better while he was here so I spent that night reading a lot of his old posts.

I don’t want to forget @fistoffury here in all this who was at a similar stage of life as @Faldo with a young family and taken from the world so young and suddenly. I think the two of them passing so close to each other has hit a little close to home for a lot of us here. Most of us started on AFR as twenty something’s and now we’re still interacting with broadly the same group as we hit towards general middle age, with kids and houses and all that goes with it.

I watched Frank’s funeral on my own in my office, not for any voyeuristic pleasure but because I wanted to do it as a mark of respect to a guy I felt I knew and who I certainly respected. I broke down when I saw his little girls walk to the top of the church behind their fathers coffin, who I knew loved them so much as was in evidence to us in just one way with that incredible play house with swings and slides he made for them with his own hands and was so proud to post about it here. As long as that creation is in the garden, then their father’s spirit will be with them. I found it hard to square how cruel life is while watching on.

I think Frank or @Faldo as we knew him had a reason in telling us about his terminal diagnosis and selflessly it was because he wanted us to cherish our time on this earth with our families. You never know what to say to those left behind when there is such a tragic loss but his wife and girls will be in my thoughts and prayers for a long time to come. Lads if ye took one thing from Frank’s early death it is to live your lives as best ye can and as good natured as ye can, much like @Faldo did. If there’s a heaven then he’s certainly there now.


That’s an unbelievably accurate post and pretty much word for word how I’ve been feeling the past week but couldn’t formulate it.

Faldo and FistofFury were two of the most genuine, sound posters we had on here. I had limited interactions with Faldo but you could tell he was a really great guy. When poor @fistoffury passed it was a real shock but somehow seemed isolated. Then for @faldo to pass on so quickly afterwards, both leaving young families behind, really shook me to my core.

I pray both their families have the strength to get through the next few years.


So eloquently put…similar sentiments that we all have but you’ve documented it…I was mildly irritated after the match last Saturday night but the news that followed was like a thunderbolt. To someone I’d never met it felt raw, I couldn’t bring myself to watch the funeral mass but from what has been depicted here from those who did Frank was truly a great husband and father. Little consolation at the moment but no doubt his girls will carry on their fathers legacy and have the same impact on others and their community as Frank had.


It’s been a very odd feeling for the past few days. I’d Almost no idea what to do while thinking of Faldo and his family.

I’ve no idea if this is odd but I was just looking back over his posts on here and it’s simply heart breaking seeing him mention his future plans before he posted his diagnosis in November.

I didn’t tell any of my family or the lads about Faldo passing as I’d usually do if somebody I knew in person had passed away but earlier today I told one of the girls I’d be close with. She called in just for a chat.

She didn’t really get the concept. I described this place as Facebook for sports fans who didn’t know each other but I definitely felt all the better for it.