Friend of the Forum: Big Mick McCarthy

Wolves claim this exclusive is false

Chewy will have to retire from the forum (again) if this is proven untrue

bandage is just an attention seeking cunt. big mick has not been sacked.

Did they reference Bandage@TFK?

Not directly no

why and because?

Because I thought you started the thread but I now realise I was wrong and it was Bandage.

I offer my sincere apologies and annouce my retirement from the forum.

No doubt obviously implied. I’m willing to give bandage the benefit of the doubt here for 2 reasons.

  1. Its Bandage and his exclusives are usually spot on.
  2. McCarthy is a bluffer who has done well keep up the facade for this long.

Another successful TFK exclusive. :clap:


Various media outlets pal.

Superb Bandage :clap: :clap:

Who in their right mind would sack Big Mick ?

You’d have to be stone mad to sack Big Mick McCarthy.

this nonsence vindicates my decision to nominate you as the cunt of the year 2012. all this shit prives is that you are an attentipn seeking cunt

There’s a really nasty edge to that post and I don’t like it quite frankly.

completely vindicates Roy Keanes stance on Saipan, yet another Mcarthy managerial faux pas

you are nothin but a cunt face.

Bandage, like McCarthy is a failure. A nice guy but still a failure.


Sorry mate, this thread could have been the making of you but instead it’s ended up leaving you looking rather foolish.