Friends of Glas

Wedding band member
Primary and secondary school teachers
TUI official

An Italian friend with a speech impediment

A friend from college who went on and qualified as a solicitor but is now a yoga and pole dancing instructor.

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A Russian friend.

A homosexual.

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A friend who did a cooking course.
A friend who dismissed Bob Dylan as a musician.

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A German friend whose grandparents are from Kazakhstan.

The Limerick city candidate for the Green party.
He’s a good guy with a good social conscience, but Glas doesn’t think he’ll be voting for him.


David Breen.


Fuck me, yet another thread about @glasagusban :joy:

The man has taken over the forum.


That’s a different thread. Boyfriends of Glas

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Some random arsehole (a queen) who turned his nose up at receiving a voucher from all his buddies for his birthday. His 31st.


A bunch of giddyups who buy birthday presents for male friends, into their 30s. Possibly in exchange for anal sex.


This is what you think about at 8 in the morning? :grinning:

I was wondering when you’d turn up.

You’re fixated with sodomy.

A guy who holidays in mauritus and has spent time in wesrern australia supporting AFL

Glas is the new Kev. :slight_smile:

some guy who told him something once who is a jumped up arsehole

Jesus is a friend of Glas. He has a friend in Jesus

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