Useless cagers and annoying habits

I donā€™t have to. Just stay posting for a few hours and youā€™ll do it.

That sounds awfully like you wussing out of your statement Kev

No its not really. There is too much content.

Iā€™ll tag you as soon as we get an example. Iā€™d say within my next 3 logins there will be 5+ examples of it.

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Iā€™m not the one coming on here claiming Iā€™m being held back in my personal life by external forces. You are that guy and not once claimed that it is you thatā€™s the problem, itā€™s always someone elseā€™s fault.

Look how you talk about your own career. You come on here and denigrate and slander much more respected members in your field, you claim some of them are negligent and unfit for purpose and make bombastic claims about the difference you would make.

Maybe the reason youā€™re stuck training amateur women teams is because the guys you claim to be incompetent are much more professional and qualified than you. Maybe they arenā€™t completely deluded and lack in class and humility like you do. Clearly there is no honour amongst S&C guys with the snide, underhand way you go about things.


Please do


You are just making stuff up?

The only person who can hold me back is me.

None of that is made up.

You come here crying about lads pulling your signs down and people blocking you getting property for your business.

You regularly slate and criticise some of your peers for being dinosaurs and injuring players, being unfit to do their job and negligent. These guys seem to land better gigs that you and your resentment to them is obvious.

You always try and blame others for your own failings. Youā€™re a cunt but you donā€™t seem to acknowledge that, instead you come on here playing your violin and woe is me card while continuing to act like ignorant ape you are.


Iā€™m on record as being comfortable with cuntishness. Iā€™m black or white. No grey when it comes to what people think of me.

The people i ridicule re:training are not my peers. They are generally bluffers and largely unqualified.

Youā€™re a bluffer, one who is extremely resentful of guys who are more successful and respected than you are and completely shameless in your general nasty and underhand personality.

Who is this now?

Iā€™ll give whatever reasoning needed for whoever you want to bring up.

Name them


Nordie chip on the shoulder

Would you ever fuck off? Those Nordies hadnā€™t the vote, subject to a corrupt police force, interned etc etc. Basically treated as second class citizens in their own country.

And you want to take a moral high ground just because some customer stopped doing business with you?

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I was implying that you go about things in a snide and underhand manner. It fits in with your weak character as you have shown on numerous occasions that you are unable to keep your word or abide by commitments that you make. You also like to tell lies and move the goalposts. I suppose your own acknowledgement that you are a weirdo excuses some if not all of this socially abnormal behaviour.

What the fuck are you on about? How are my clients coming into this? Bizarre

Nordies would want to move the fuck on. The biggest whinging cunts on this planet.

Iā€™m not sorry if I offended you, mate.

Youā€™re always whinging about Nordies, because we did it against all odds whereas you canā€™t with the odds in your favour.

Youā€™re the Livia Soprano of the forum.

Thatā€™s nice of you. You didnā€™t offend me though.

Youā€™re living in the past.

So yet again you avoid the questions.

Deflect deflect deflect.