Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Some of the greatest horseplay you’ll ever see

I’ve sent a video to the Union


Sounds like a right proper cunt- future FG top table material

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:rofl: Deadly.

Just watched the swim ‘race’ video there again. Future captains of industry

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That’s sure to send the usual suspects demented :joy::joy:

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That has to be a piss take

Buster cannonballed into the pool

Looks like serious craic. Disappointing we didn’t get to see the conclusion of the race in the first video

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Lads bleeding blue and white left right and centre.

Some amount of absolute cunts in Dublin. Sickening bastards

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Not a young one is sight. More rubby set homoeroticism

They are Dubs first and foremost. Odd bastards

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From the Cork fella :smile:


from the Laois fella :joy:


Jaysus that soup must taste good

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