Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Dubs, first and foremost they are Dubs

Better a Lion for one day than a lamb for a lifetime

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Very true

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Nothing wrong there.

The waiting lists for free decent boys secondary schools in SoCoDu are ridiculous.

The private school pulls up lads of a certain ability and gets them into college. In the old days that was all they needed as nobody else went to college.

However the old days of them landing into investment banks, professional services firms based on their school are over. The Muldoons and sons and daughters of farmers from East Galway run Dublin law firms and accountancy practices now.

The traditional class private school lads (sons of fathers who were themselves alumni) who were not that bright are now often “entrepreneurs” based off their parents money and not needing to actually make a living.

It’s a fascinating shift in society over the last 20 years. It also explains the explosion of GAA clubs like Cuala and Crokes.


I see that in the London market there is a big move to cut the number of chaps that went to public schools in the big firms and to discriminate in favour of state school children.

It’s real white man’s burden stuff trying to save the hapless (well actually a lot of them on HAP) natives from themselves

The waiting list for fee paying schools is just as long!

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I heard a story of professional services firms instructing interviewers to automatically employ applicants from private schools unless they completely messed up in the interview.

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Highly unlikely in my experience.

They are selling their people’s brainpower and a Lad from a multinational in California does care if a lad went to St Michaels or not if he cannot do the job.


Not nowadays.

There are still advantages to hiring a solicitor or accountant from a private school. They usually have better connections with business and are more likely to bring in work.

It’s a golden ticket. It’s not a guarantee of success but your future is yours to destroy.

That’s if you’re happy with a set-up which allows you such advantages.

Another one, good to see the lads stepping over him, showing the appropriate disdain. Cunt cant even use a brush.

You do realise all the newer ones are piss takes?

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Whats his excuse for the crocs so?

Yes and it depends on whether you’d be willing to tolerate working beside hateful insufferable cunts.

Probably trying to avoid getting a verruca?

Games gone man, games gone.

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