Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Brilliant :grinning:

Thatā€™ll be a great ā€œhow I met my wifeā€ story for the wedding day


She wonā€™t be forgetting our man anytime soon

A real life MacRoaster

I was out for lunch on Thursday and there was 2 kids at the table beside me, I would guess aged 2 and 4 maybe. They were both looking at their tablets and in the 35 or so minutes I was there, neither of them spoke once. Thereā€™s something very wrong about that.


I suppose they were a bit young to be out on their own alright.


What were they watching? Those parents have it sorted.

Yep thereā€™ll be zero repercussions for kids having their heads buried in tablets all day.

Much worse when the parents are on tablets which is an everyday sight around Dublin city centre these days unfortunately.

It didnā€™t do Moses any harm

AĆ¹ contraire. He only took 2 tablets and fucked off to the mountains for 40 days such was the dose of the shits he got.

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the dun laoghaire harbour company was wound up last year with debts of ā‚¬38m. the CEO who presided over this, and losing the stena gig, was 2 years over his mandated 7 year contract. so when the harbour company was wound up, the CEO of DLRCC decided that yerman was entitled to a redundancy payment of 670k

not just wrong, its fucking criminal


Had to get an early train to the capital this morning. Settled into my seat only to discover the lady in the coffee stand had put milk in my americano. I was absolutely seething. A fuckin disaster.

Nothing worse. Hope youā€™re ok now

Iā€™m not really. It was a terrible start to the day.
Iā€™ll be en route to the office shortly and Iā€™ll get sorted with a decent cup.

Awful to start the day on the back foot like that though.

You should have fucked the coffee back into her face

Easy. Whatā€™s ok because you work in an AIRPORT is not acceptable behaviour elsewhere.

The misogyny crew are out early today

You need to straighten up, stop stuttering and stammering and learn to look the enemy in the eye- especially when theyā€™re patiently enquiring whether or not you want milk in your coffee

I was very clear
Milk and sugar ?
Here you go, be careful itā€™s hot.

Iā€™m also highly suspicious it was a deliberate act. The lady also got the order wrong for someone ahead of me in the queue. I suspect she deliberately gave him the coffee she had incorrectly made for him.