Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Whats this now?

Film where Clint Eastwood plays a lost soldier but end up having sex with children in a school do not know how it was ever released.

it was remade a couple of years ago with colin bleedin farrell

I could not complete the film I must admit.
Imo there was no need for a remake

The remake is on Netflix, directed by Sophie Coppola, itā€™s good.

:+1: Yep

Pudding that comes in a rectangular shape is an absolute shambles

Iā€™m predicting at this juncture the political resurrection/survival of Regina Doherty via Seanad EĆ­reann.
Sheā€™ll surely be thrown a lifeline via a TĆ”oiseachs nomination to the Seanad when a Government is formed irrespective of who gets the captains armband.

Hopefully this get out of jail card isnā€™t extended to Ross, Boxer or the Zapper.

Clint Eastwood had sex with colin bleedin Farrell??


Heard on 96fm motherā€™s day requests ā€œgreetings to momo and Poppyā€ Kinsale , FFS WTF is that all about?
Used to be mam and dad when I was about,fuck me parts of Cork are gone to fuck,momo me arse!


Says Mr ā€œsmallieā€


Thatā€™s a real cork thing. Like ā€˜tackiesā€™ for ā€˜runnersā€™ in Limerick.

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Big difference between snow fucking flake momo and fucking poppy / poppi and Cork slang

Poopy? :poop:

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Yes itā€™s all :poop:

Lots of families have quirky names for various things, I wouldnā€™t call it snowflake, as kids when we didnā€™t call her mammy weā€™d refer to her as muds or mudsy, myself and the kids do it now as well,
I wonā€™t tell you what we call a shit :grinning:

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Poppy? Momo ? Well Iā€™m over 60 Cork city out n out,my nana was called muds by my da but feck never heard of the other stuff,bit bloody tan and pretentious Iā€™d say,but thatā€™s my own opinion

Momo? As in mom-o?

Longer,but could be and b4 you ask they werenā€™t french