Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Unreal weather in London the last three days

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Absolutely lovely here today, but fcuking snow at the weekend???

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at least it will keep all the wankers inside

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I missed this … 8 year old mauled? Where was the child and where was the owner of the dog?

Child was in its own back yard apparently. Must have been family pets.

Ah fuck … that’s horrific .

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rottweilers are very untrustworthy animals

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Tis the owners are the problem rather than the dogs generally


That’s it. My uncle has a Rottweiler and he’s an absolute beauty.

It’s how they are reared.

The rottweilers on the Gogglebox tv show appear to be very placid creatures

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Mate of mine has one and he’s as gentle a dog as you’ll ever meet. He has been reared properly and is very obedient and great with the kids.

Dogs that attack like that have been badly treated somewhere previously.


yeah, theyre all beauties and gentle as a feather until theyre not. Then it’s the owners at fault for a mauler of a dog mauling someone


The gardai having to shut down a McDonald’s because of the traffic chaos the queues were causing.

Some amount of fucking brain dead sheep in this country.


Can these idiots not cook.



The country is fucked

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Industrial years adjacent to the house so assume the kid managed to get into the yard or the dogs managed to escape into the lawn. Poor little man. Horrific stuff.

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Just heard that on the radio there. A new low for our fair country.


Snow ? Feckin hell


You got that completely right