Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I said it yesterday that announcing the closure would lead to this. Just fucking close the doors and don’t open the next day.

Announcing on the national broadcaster that McDonalds will shut its doors at 7.30pm tomorrow was always going to bring the fucking idiots wanting their mcflurrys and mcburgers in their droves

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Family had a commercial yard attached to the house. They were guard dogs.


V sad


Ah yeah a nice crowd there alright for the February 2018 opening :+1:


The thing about a dog or a human is you get back put of them as what you put onto them.

Dogs never forget who is good to them or bad.

It’s the same as a human.

I understand u can get a bad dog but same goes for humans.

Who leaves a dog around a child unsupervised anyhow


Any dog can snap. Pun intended.

Difference is if it’s a 60kg Rottweiler it’s going to do some damage.


He is til he rips the face off some poor child, trust me. A polis vet once said to me that no dog historically bred for guarding or fighting or meanness should ever be trusted as a family pet, as occasionally, for no good reason, at any age, one day they could flip. Said he’d seen it too often.


Every man has his breaking point. You can see it on here. Some are at the end of their tether already. We need to watch out for these ones. It is our duty.

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I used enjoy the odd coffee and breakfast at McDonald’s on my days off


That’s quite the dig at poor aul @maroonandwhite. Not like you horsebox at all.

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People doing this need a good hiding.

A young lad has been kicking a football against a wall and trying to save it before it rebounds into the net.

This is a story on the RTE News.

What the absolute fuck is that all about ??


A friend of mine is seven months pregnant and walking down an empty footpath the other day some fella coming against her veered towards her and leaned in and coughed. You’d want to have something seriously wrong with you.

Disgusting behaviour by @dodgy_keeper.

Cunts like that need to be dealt with the way that the Kansas mob dealt with Joe pesci in casino.


Her partner must be fucking livid. You’d be fit to slaughter the cunt who did it to her.

You don’t watch the news much it seems

Went down to the shop there and they were closing. I had some serious bidness to be done. Passed over a bottle of black barrell for 38 quid and picked up my favourite Caskmates. A goo on me since Wednesday for it but managed to keep the monkey at bay.

Arrive home and fucking realised Id bought Caskmates IPA and not Caskmates Stout…mother of god I dont know will I get over it I am fit to be tied

I had a press full of red wine here which hadn’t tempted me since this started as i find it fucks with my sleep.

I did procure a bottle of black bush for €23 which I may have a night cap or two off over the weekend

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