Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Savage. Mrs J is drinking mine. I’ll come over and pick up the ones you don’t want.

They taste the same mate.

Dry your eyes mate.

They do in their hole

What’s the difference?

Have you tasted them? They are nothing alike

Describe the differences then.

What? I wouldn’t be able to describe the difference between milk and water for you but I know they dont taste the same


One tastes milky and the other doesn’t?

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What does milky taste like and what does water taste like?

The stout one is way nicer than the IPA one

1000%…can you explain why?

Great sketch - started in Mary whitehouse experience didn’t it

It did indeed. Great show

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Stout is nicer than IPA I suppose

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Indeed - pissed all over the likes of The Fast Show. The live show was cracking too.

Water tastes watery and milk tastes milky

See that spit on the ground? That’s you that is

I cut the palm of my hand opening a tin of tomatoes last night. Cleaned it and more or less forgot about it. Went shopping in Super Valu and squirted my hands with sanitizer on the way in. Ah lads. The pain. It took every ounce of willpower I had not to screech like a scalded cat. There was tears rolling down my face in the Fruit and Veg section. I was in the tinned goods section before the pain eased.