Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Virtuals have been a thing for a long time, it was more the reporting of it on a sports bulletin I had an issue with

Also people donating money to a government body is a strange one

NHS was good to me and mine,no complaints at the time,+ even though I was working full-time ( +bouncing) I was on shite money but never paid for dental treatment etc-medical card,you know where your taxes go in the 6 counties,and in all fairness up to this current pandemic I used crucify our HSE managers etc,but boy have our muses, cleaners, porters come though in abundance

FG using pretend letters from kids to promote themselves. What a sick shower of fucks these people are.

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I bet they approached the lad from Donegal who wrote to Klopp.

2.6 million raised for the nhs. Iā€™m here at homing thinking of any idea to raise money for the front line staff in Ireland. I think Iā€™ve a really good one Being honest.

Good man.

You tell us all about it once youā€™ve raised the money :+1:

Have you a cheap van to sell?

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These fucking scumbags, this message goes on and on and on

Ok Conor.

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You prick :joy:

Fuck you Colm.

Itā€™s a virtual Irish grand national.

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Good idea.


The Doctor told the wife that itā€™s a bad time to give up the fags. Quitting can often lead to a chest infection and if she got the virus down on top of that, well it wouldnā€™t be good.

So sheā€™s back on the fagsā€¦

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This is very true. She should cut down instead.

Going cold Turkey is brutal on the chest for a week or two

Did she ask an actual doctor ?

How long was she off them?