Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Lads on here gushing about the CEO of a multinational not slagging is off to the Chinese who he was probably mugging off, hence them pulling a fast one on us.

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You’re gone bonkers for this Brosnan notion.

The ex footballer or ex James Bond?

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The Kerry Group man, I dunno did he ever kick a bit of ball

Jaysus, you’re in terrible form,
Brosnan never said a word about anything, some poster here made that connection, and the chap in West Kerry was anonymous, try to see the good in people for a change, it must be terrible having all that misplaced rage


Old one is the only game in town.
Rte have ruined my Christmas


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This is a bizarre crusade


We’re all going to be demented before this blows over, I’ve everything painted bar the grass- spindles,floors, ceiling s, doors,s-boards ,doors, shed,gates, outside front n back ,fuck me I’ll be back on the Beamish


Paint the cans. Be grand

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What was that 00 stuff like in the pic last night,nice or just ok?

No grand actually. But remember I have no choice so I have to convince myself

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Beck’s 00 is the nearest thing to the real stuff,on taste/ smell I find

Thought the becks was a bit meh. But we’re all different

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Yeah,I’ll try that stuff you’re at

Paulaner zero is supposed to be decent

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What do you normally drink @iron_mike?

Alcohol wise. Guinness in the pub and beamish at home. Would drink a glass of Jameson as well

Be wide of the taste for it lad

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Most of those non alcoholic drinks taste grand for the first one but shite pretty quickly after that.

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Stout is the one drink I’ve never seen a non alcoholic version of. Probably just as well.

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