Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Me neither. Ah tbh theres nothing better to focus the mind when youā€™re told it will kill you.
Iā€™ll probably be langers after 2 pints at Christmas


Thanks Iā€™ll have a lash off it

How bad

Did farmer used to work for Kerry group or something. I hear they a right shower of bastards to work for so maybe thatā€™s it

Apparently they are notoriously hard to work for.

Heineken and Carlsberg Zero are both decent. I was never that gone on the Erdinger/Paulaner 0.0%. Have had a few bottles of Stiegl before as well and was daycent but mightnā€™t be to everyoneā€™s taste.

The microbreweries have started doing the alcohol-free stuff now as well, but Iā€™d only drink it if I was in the pub and driving, so the choice is limited. Two or three is the max youā€™d ever drink.

They get their ounce of flesh and then some by all accounts. Mate of mine used to work there and said they were awful bastards. Youā€™d be working till 8 at night as standard and no thanks for it

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Itā€™s paying the same price for them as a normal pint I find wrong. Iā€™d rather drink a sparking water if I was driving

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Thing is, youā€™ll end up drinking a sparkling water as well anyways if youā€™re there for a couple hours. A Heineken Zero is grand for one or two for the taste of a beer. After that youā€™ll definitely want something else. It ainā€™t like your normal beer where youā€™d drink a box of them regardless.

Bottled beers in general are ridiculously expensive in pubs in this country.

Ya but most of the price of a pint is tax on the alcohol, I donā€™t like the way they just charge the same because they can. Apparently it costs a lot more to make a non alcoholic beer, and it probably does, but thereā€™s no way itā€™s the same as a normal beer plus tax

Well the tax is alcohol % based isnā€™t it? I know thereā€™s some alcohol in most non-alcohol beers, but Iā€™m guessing itā€™s under the limit for the special tax. So yeah, thereā€™s something amiss there.

Theyā€™ve to brew it and then extract the alcohol I think?*

*Think I heard this somewhere but I may have been drinking unextracted alchol booze at the timeā€¦

So the story goes. But they must be churning out Heineken for cents on the litre. Even with supermarkets taking a loss on selling it, they must be able to manufacture it all in for say a euro a litre. Even if it costs ā‚¬2 a litre for the non alcoholic stuff then with the alcohol tax differential it should still be a lot cheaper. Iā€™ve no clue really only guessing but Iā€™d think pubs are treating it like soft drinks and charging a major mark up.
Just shooting themselves in the foot imo. But thatā€™s pubs. Theyā€™ll complain drink driving laws have killed the game, but theyā€™ll make it as expensive as possible for the designated driver


Yep. I know the Toners lad passed today but I hadnā€™t set foot in the place until recently for about 10 years because the cunts charged me 2 euro for a pint of blackcurrant.*

*I was also buying pints.

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Less excise duty as well so more profit

Would it get near high sugar tax? Probably not?

The packaging costs more than the drink

All them Kerry cunts are the same.I worked for Navillus in the states theyā€™re the same,flog the shit out of you and expect you to thank them for it.Clannish as fuck too.


Iā€™ve afew Beckā€™s 00 every few weeks,love the smell/ taste

Heineken non alcoholic is slurry