Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)


Right ref shooting themselves in the till,I frequent pubs but wouldn’t pay for non alcoholic beverages, rather a good coffee,even diet Coke is cheaper

No you’re correct

Beck’s blue is the nicest. It’s bitter, doesn’t have that awful sickly aftertaste that most of them seem to.

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Non alcoholic beer is fine for the initial taste and then you are waiting for the satisfying kick that never comes

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TBH it was the first taste of any alcohol in years,so lapped it up,mother’s milk-know it’s all in the head but I kinda get a buzz off it

I find that Beck’s blue takes the edge off my desire for an alcoholic drink.

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Amazon quoted me 27.96 pounds sterling to post a pair of laces from the United Kingdom to Ireland.

Brewdog Nanny State and Brewdog Punk AF both taste like real beer.

Birra Moretti do an alcohol free beer. Has anybody on here had it?

Be sure and don’t let it lead even to the start of the path downhill.

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That’s knots

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Naw, lost the appetite for the real stuff years ago, hangovers killed me

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Will do bud

Aidan Cooney, the founder of Opta, recently talked about the early days on the “Unofficial Partner”: “It was quite a slow burn. Most media companies were not ready for performance data. I felt that if you educate people as to what happens on the pitch and give them quantitative analysis, you bring them closer to the game and grow the audience.”

When he presented to the “Daily Mirror”, Cooney was accused of “Americanising” sport. He said: “The word Americanisation… it referred to this perception that we were trying to shamelessly create the bus timetable — i.e. count lots of stuff and put it out on tables. That is how some people think American sports present themselves. Our clever bit was to disguise that we were delivering statistics. We started referring to the water-cooler moments — that thing you have read or heard about at the water cooler that could really hit home. We wanted to visualise data by telling the story. When ‘Moneyball’ (the 2003 book by Michael Lewis) came out, I bought 20 copies and sent one to every Premier League manager and said we would love to chat. I got a fairly significant doughnut in terms of a response. This was the early phase. There was hyperbole around video analysis, as opposed to using data more effectively.”

This idiot. I bet he has a mid Atlantic twang and wears a baseball cap in the car.


The absolute worst part of sports analysis, and sports tv and radio shows. Stats.

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In the 2004 Munster Final coverage there the other night they put up a possession stat. Waterford 53% Cork 47%. I thought to myself, they just made that up.


I found it quite funny looking at that game, because at the time Cork were being lauded as some running, short passing team when they were miles more direct than any team is these days

RTÉ did this for a good number of years. They’d take an ad break at half time and Lyster would run down through the stats upon their return. They’d appear on the screen

Yellow Cards
Red Cards

Or something very scientific like that. And yes, I always thought the possession one was made up too.

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Did anyone else ever get “a fairly significant doughnut in terms of a response?”

Once, in a Krispy Kreme shop.