Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

So why don’t the Irish who lost their jobs sign up for it? The government should redirect some of those on the 350 a week into those jobs.

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The Bulgarians only have forty virus deaths pal. If I was a Bulgarian I’d be shitting myself coming to Ireland.

Especially north dublin

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The mob needs satisfaction. In previous weeks it was Cheltenham, then pubs, then groups of youths socialising and then hordes of holiday home goers. It seems this week frenzy for the hysterical masses will be fruit-pickers.

The curtain-twitching tendencies of Ireland continues unabashed


A hape of Bulgarians who won’t see outside the field while they’re here anyway. But Britney and Jacinta need to scream on the facebook while their useless layabout spawn pick up the dole and are too lazy to scratch themselves


Don’t Keelings house them all on site anyway?

The Irish wouldn’t work to warm themselves. Sure why would you? 350 a week to stay at home watching Netflix and making banana bread. The whole thing is a cod


Of course they do. Sure if they left the site they might find a job that pays at least minimum wage



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All agricultural produce should be subject to minimum unit pricing.
That is all.
It’s morally wrong that I can buy four litres of milk for two quid.


And to powerhose down the driveway with treated water that he won’t pay for.


Farmers should get the lads flogging ham in to flog their other stuff. Price of it is fucking rediculous. You’d get a decent steak for a fiver, which is about 8 slices of fecking ham

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Picking strawberries is very hard work.


My first ever job. 5p a punnet.

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If you’re anyway tall picking anything off the ground is a nightmare


Most mass produced growers would now have their drills raised as far as I know

Mine too. Hard graft.

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Nothing wrong with the workers or the crappy jobs they have to do,it’s just not on unless they were checked/ tested,it’s a shite job,ASK KEELINGS WHY PAY SHITE WAGES thus putting jobs like these way out of reach of Irish ppl who have to live here

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The drills would be higher than their wages anyways. The same ones giving out about the poor auld Bulgarians will be the same ones whinging if the price of strawberries went up 10cThey haven’t a fuckin clue.

Did it as a kid 3 summers,killed me- it’s all about the producers not getting a decent rate for produce,so they can’t/ won’t,/ don’t pay a decent wage,this is slave labour 2020