Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I love how you make it sound like you have absolutely no option but to let it in and absolutely no option but to feed it.

My lass absolutely adores it.

Some eejit on the radio here. A smoker with health issues. The presenter gets a text in from a listener saying that hypnotism did the trick for her to quit smoking. The presenter puts this to yerwan who says she considered it but she thinks she’d have too much willpower for it to work


Tipp FM?

Radio 1. Think it was the Brendan O’Connor Show but he must have been off

Antifreeze tastes sweet to them so they lap it up.

Smokers will health issues have some neck to be going on the radio moaning.


regina doherty becoming a director of pieta house. jesus wept

seriously cuntish behaviour in health, social protection and education.

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It’s a bit of benign media monitoring, you’d swear this was deep state covert surveillance uncovered by the reaction of some.

disagree, its civil servants breaching their impartiality

Civil Servants are arseholes mate.

only when necessary pal

Why is this not on the examiner?

Edit, oh wait, it is.

Would you consider yourself impartial?

Where did they breach impartiality? The jury is out on this for me. Should social media discourse be reviewed to inform decision making?

Did civil servants not always read newspapers to check on what was reported that is relevant to their department/minister

How is this different - citizen journalists social media is public domain. Lads on Twitter outraged that their public account tweets are being read.

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They can just use Buff Egan’s tweets as he serves as an aggregator of tweets from more articulate public figures