Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Inclined to agree with TUM here, this isn’t far off media review. Also, if people are campaigning for something On twitter shouldn’t they want government to be paying attention? What will tell is how the info was presented. There was a similar report recently on department of justice social media review and some of the judgement calls presented in them were outrageous, nearly disciplinable I would have thought.

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have a look at mcgarrs twitter and the FOI stuff he got back

this appears to be a different thing


in the broadsheet article above

Just found out a 14 year old friend of my daughter committed suicide last night. Christ almighty , what’s gone wrong eh lads? This has hit hard. Harder than I thought.

I’m very sad to hear this. Between 13 and 16 can he very hard ages.

I was just speaking to a friend who was at a funeral in Louth yesterday for a 30 year old man. He was missing for 2 weeks and then the family found his body behind the house. She knew vaguely that he had mental health issues, usual story.

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Jesus. That doesn’t bear thinking about. Hard to process that.

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I had a work colleague come into work distraught a few years back in a similar circumstance. Whole life in front of them.

Hope your daughter holds up Mike.


Jesus Mike, sorry to hear that.

Hope your daughter doing ok.

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Sorry to hear that Mike. Awful to hear of these young people thinking that death is the only way out. Had a neighbour commit suicide a few years ago. Everytime I go back to my mams and see the house next door I think of him. Sad sad times.

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Amen to that. Stick together @iron_mike, it’s a difficult time. RIP.

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Mark Moran and his Tik Tok. Unfunny langball. Away and shite.


Would you be a big fan of tiktok?

It was sent to me on whatsapp. I wouldn’t be one for the aul tiktok myself but saw that.

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Didn’t hear this, Pieta doesent need her surely?
They do absolutely Trojan work,

Was sent it on whatsapp. Comes across as another billy big bollix. He’s not half as funny as Mayo fucking away a few handy All Irelands.

You’ve a lot of anger

Those handy All Irelands agin a Dublin team that have won 7 All Irelands since 2011.Possibly the greatest ever football team.Those handy ones?

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