Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Witnessed a scum bag beating a woman earlier in town. He hit her a few headbutts and pinned her to a wall.

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Sounds like you made a heroic intervention.

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Post up the video you took there.

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I had my daughter who got very distressed. I called the law

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That’s fair enough.

He seemed to have stopped beating her and was roaring. A woman came along who seemed to know them and was talking him down.

There was definitely mental health issues there.

Nasty fucking stuff

The correct course of action. Hope your daughter ok. Horrible thing for her to see

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And she’d be as likely to claw out your eyes if you squared up to him, as many a misfortune found out.


Shes grand now once I explained to her a few things and that the woman would be ok when the police came.

I got some spike of adrenaline and had to fight every fibre of my being to not grab him by the fat cunt neck

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Queue skipping irks me quite a lot, especially since I was distraught by a barber shop experience in around 2017 (see Price of a Hair Cut thread). I’ve been privy to two bizarre further examples of it in the last few days. Not sure if people are more dumb than ignorant cunts.

First was in a coffee shop when a lady came in and ordered, and surely would have noticed a number of us already waiting to collect orders that must have preceded hers. However, she decisively took the next drink that was presented on the counter by the barista, even though it was nothing like what she ordered. It was something like a caramel latte versus oatmilk cappuccino debacle. I was waiting on an americano myself, but I was rocked by the episode.

I won’t even go into the incident at the GP this morning, as it was too upsetting.


Yerra go on

Surely no queue at the GP though everyone has an appointment

I can’t wait to be old and pretend to not know what’s going on and skip the queue. Auld wans are wreckless for it.


You’re too fucking nice. I have and will continue to pull people up for that shit.

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Surgery car park consultations for kids due to Covid restrictions, I kid you not (cc @Tassotti). Park up and wait for the doctor to emerge and make yourself known when he calls your name. I was parked up, two more cars arrived and did likewise, a fourth car came then and a couple actually got out with their child and loitered up by the surgery door. The doctor opened the door after a little while, this was around 15 minutes after my designated time. There’s a door inside the door and you can see the silhouette etc so I had my window wound down to listen. He called out my son’s name and yer last to arrive wan says…that’s us, we’re just parked over here. I was having none of it, so I was.

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I assume “yer last to arrive” wan wasn’t your life partner with another bloke ??

It often not as funny or useful as you imagine. You’d often be wrecked from wondering what chore you were going to accomplish next, when upon remembering you’d then plough ahead with reckless abandon. Got it?
Oul’ lads are often useful for imparting useless nuggets of information.


Did a lady jump in and have her prostate examined?

There’s probably a few kids called Davy

Well we can only hope that the first woman get the shits from the wrong coffee and the second woman’s son get the shits from the wrong medication.

Well, I said I wasn’t having any of it and my circumspect yet somewhat assertive side came into play. I got out of the car and said to the passing doctor…”You said [insert my son’s full name], right? That’s us.” Sure the doctor had an ipad yoke and would have had to go into the patient’s details etc so it would have become apparent that this wan was skipping anyway. It turned out her child was a girl too. She went: “Oh Conor was it…I thought you said Zara, doctor” It didn’t even acknowledge the doc had given our surname too. What a bitch and two other parents on their own with children ahead of her and she there with her partner. :rage: