Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Run me through this logicā€¦ is the story not that he blindsided him out of the blueā€¦?
Have you an inside track here.?

I havenā€™t. Just from experience, outside of absolute scum bags that level of aggression is rare enough, to just randomly assault someone. Theres usually a trigger and itā€™s almost always a bird

Youā€™ve had an absolute mare tonight, lie back and relax and weā€™ll talk tomorrow


Ok. Iā€™d say in my experience drunk lads can sometimes lash out and hit fellas they havenā€™t seen at all that night.

If you hit a fella hard enough to knock him out for 12 minutes you have to have some bit of wits about you

Good one

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@EstebanSexface 's canā€™tbackdownness has made a right cunt of him again.

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The fan club is abroad again

There was this trend while I was in Australia where young lads would just run up to a random lad and punch him in the face. Lead to a handful of deaths in Kings Cross. Fellas do mad things at times

Really? Iā€™d say weā€™ve enough evidence in the court reports to say that lads can knock fellas out and not even remember it.
Specifically regarding this case, Iā€™m not sure why youā€™re going to bat for this fella unless you know him. Its mad really. Going by the report it seems he lined him up unawares and fucking battered him. Even if her man was a cunt, he shouldnā€™t be bashed blind.

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Maybe Iā€™m misreading the youth of today but when I was coming up a fella wouldnt get a dig unless he deserved it or was unlucky enough to run in to an absolute psychopath

Youā€™re misreading

Iā€™m not going to bat for him. Specifically read where I said nobody should be blindsided. Ever.

Just giving my twist on it. Sure Iā€™ve no in with anyone involved

If he just flaked a lad for absolutely no reason then there is something seriously the matter with him

Batter up!

You should have left it as it was, your edit makes a cunt of yourself.

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What did you make of woolie battering the fuck out of some young chap that time? Should he have got jail?

You said your man deserved it.

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Are you especially lonely tonight you sad cunt

Iā€™m a joyous individual.

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He is sure of it

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