Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Did he deserve jail? If so he should have gotten it.

Quote the next sentence.

Has it occurred to you that the young fella may a scumbag? His actions were that of a scumbag anyway. Drunk or not.


He’d want to put the phone down but you know he won’t.

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There you go.

This sentence however where you say you’re sure he deserved it is concerning however. What do you know about this case

Would so many people go to bat for a scum bag? I wouldn’t put my name against a scobe.

If it was a youngfella made a mistake I might throw him a reference

I didnt say he deserved anything. You seem convinced it was absolutely unprovoked though

Neither of us know for sure.

You’d wonder what’s behind this

He’s full of pent up aggression.

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Was there mention of provocation?

Mirrors are dangerous things.

Yes they would. Do you want me to list some examples? There’s plenty.

Was it you that was nearly killed by a traveller? Did you deserve it?

You left out the last bit there in your quote.

I’m somehow dealing with three of the biggest knobheads on the forum at one time.

Aine give me strength

So you were one of the few unlucky ones! But your sure the chap in this incident wasn’t and must have done something to deserve it. Right so.

I’ll stand for a lot on here but I won’t have fellas stealing my line…

You’re a saint

And there we have it, one of the greatest pieces of mental gymnastics from A to B you’ll ever see on TFK.
Well done to all concerned.


Shucks it was nathin.


That also happens regularly when booze n drugs come into the equation