Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Well if the binman can get fired…

Union not doing its job there

Suppose she’s lucky they didn’t shoot her.


That is absolutely fucked up.

It tells you what state that shithole is in that that’s actually a true statement.


Can he expect a knock on his front door from friendly Neighbour.

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There’s no cure for stupidity

No if in rural Romania :romania: not a chance, 2 orthodox nuns and a priest crucified a person less than 7 years ago, and regularly bodies are dug up and decapitated (fear of vampires, and fear of stregiou (undead) persists in the countryside)

Suicidal victims are still not given a religious burial, and not allowed in consecrated ground(bribery works)
My ex is Romanian, ex orphan and her best mate jumped out a window up 12 floors,(19 years ago and we were present) so I’m not at all exaggerating how backwards that country can be in this the new century

You must appreciate that parts of transylvania are cut off from modern living still, no running water, electricity schools and basically peasants without any education, this I can verify as we used deliver aid to these isolated communities (up to 14 yrs ago)

Ppl still seal their cottages for the winter with dob and wattle (mixture of cow dung, mud and straw)
Vv superstitious folk, country’s bonkers in places, you’d see a field with 5 combines going full belt and then up the road a guy with a wooden plough and a couple of water buffalo.

Ps this took place in Brasov, large saxon city in Central Romania


I’d love to go to transylvania, supposed to be very beautiful.


Kerry and Donegal are shite holes in comparison, and I love both, mountain running practically the length of the most spectacular parts of it, outstanding beauty, vvvv rural, bears wolves Lynx, vultures, eagles and cranes etc etc etc absolutely gorgeous

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Try and get hold of that, thinks its the 95-99 version

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Another strange one

Yeah indefinitely have to go there


That chap could fit in well here

Blasted tonight in Belfast