Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

I just set off the fire alarms.

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Stick to the PROCESS :pray:

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This has gone downhill rapidly.


I’d ate the shpuds

She get any bite of it in the end?

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I’d ate that… Especially if I was bombed out of my brain like you are.

Any few veg for the special occasion

Jam + lamb combo definitely the brain child of a stoned man!!

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Happy Anniversary!! Sure you enjoyed it yourself :grin:

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Cherries actually, a wine and cherry sauce.

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Well how did the night go?

You dirty fucker.

No idea mate.


30 years. Fair play.

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A minor gripe but a gripe none the less.

I was taxing the car there. One of the boxes you have to fill in is the country for your billing address. The first country listed in the drop down list is Afghanistan. You have to scroll through about 70 countries before you get to Ireland. I’d say 99.9 % of the time Ireland is the relevant country. Could they not put it at the top of the list.


Type I into the list and it will bring you down to countries beginning with I.

There’s no option to do that on the phone.

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Saw a fella being made redundant interviewed the other day. Was very sad. Poor fella near tears telling how it was more than a job but a purpose to his life and not sure what he would without it