Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)


Come on mate, it a reported as a collision but you downgrade it to an accident

Itā€™s awful. Hard to see how a jail sentence will help anything, but itā€™s Hobsonā€™s choice for a judge.

Texting while driving should have the same punishments and social disgust as drink driv


Like Eddie halvey then?
Iā€™m a bit in two minds on this. Texting whilst driving is utterly irresponsible and stupid, but not as calculated and premeditated as drink driving. Itā€™s only a matter of degree different to lighting a fag or changing the radio station whilst driving.

I understand, harsh sentences will lead to behavioural change perhaps

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This is true. The story in itself should lead to that also. Iā€™m just not sure that putting that lad in mountjoy would serve any purpose. Itā€™s an impossible decision. What he did in itself was no more evil than anyone messing with a mobile phone, an action which of itself is a slap on the wrist (I may be wrong, but is it even a criminal offence?)
There was just a vast abyss of bad luck. He sounds like he will never be the same again, but the poor lass is dead, and her family wrecked.

Itā€™s rare enough that weā€™re in agreement but youā€™re 100% right on this one. The system is a complete fraud, pups with 100+ convictions getting suspended sentences for extraordinary crimes. When a firm Government takes control Iā€™ll be suggesting 4 large prison complexes without TV, Netflix etc to house 1k inmates each. Consider the building jobs, catering, wardensā€¦ Itā€™s a stimulus package never dreamed of before. Would your lads buy in?

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We canā€™t accept avoidable stupidity on the roads. With technology like Bluetooth built into nearly all cars since 2010 and the likes of siri on the phone there is no need to touch it while driving. I saw this a few weeks ago and though fair playbtonthe guards. I was chatting to a guard who said they caught 5 drivers in one evening during rush hour on the phone.

Exactly. This lad actually did no worse than five others over the course of an hour at a single road block.
The Brits were great for making an example of some poor hoor back in the day. Itā€™s never sat well with me as ā€œjusticeā€.
Society would be better served making him go round leaving cert classes and telling his story imho.

Cars need to be fitted with technology to stop them going over the speed limit asap

I think itā€™s coming under EU law but there will be pushback

Note to @padjo itā€™s a speed limit not a recommended speed

Yeah that should be built into the sentencing etc. A blanket community service provision shouldnā€™t cut it but targeted towards the offence. There is a premeditated decision to use the phone while driving too, like drink driving. More penalty points and larger fines for using a phone should be considered to reduce repeat offenders. Drink driving is in most cases an automatic ban. If using the phone was 4 or 5 points, 3 repeat offences will have you off the road. One will increase your insurance, being caught twice will cost a fortune in insurance renewals

Iā€™m for and against it. If they brought it in and increased the motorway speed to 140 would be fair, motorways are far more safer than driving on non motorway roads as ypu have plenty of other road users that are at a higher risk

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All the Direct Provision providers who will lose out from itā€™s abolition and already have a connection with the State can pivot into these new prison complexes.

My sister was going out with a lad when she was in 18 or so. He was a farmerā€™s son and was driving his fatherā€™s new Corolla to pick up the sister one Saturday night. We got word that he wrote off the car on the back roads over to our house. He later revealed that he was turning the Celine Dion tape over to side B and took his eyes off the road for a moment

Driving at 140km/hr on motorway should only be allowed for those in electric cars.

Cc @Little_Lord_Fauntleroy

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Jesus you must not be able to look your sister in the eye when Celine comes on the radio


160 for a tesla. Rocket ships. Ill ditch the diseal as part of that scheme.

Hell think twice before doing that again

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I know a lad who curbed a car, wreaking an alloy as he was too busy looking at a young wan in leggins arse.

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Ah tis a bit different alright. Iā€™m not a saint or anything but texting while driving is a lot more distracting than those other things