Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

There but for the grace of Godā€¦

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Sure didnā€™t Dawsonā€™s auld lad in Dawsonā€™s Creek die because he was ateing a 99 in the car

Oh this lad was a bit of an eejit. He took a fair slagging for the choice of music. Think he had another crash after that.

Iā€™ve a cousin who is visually impaired (@FatChops wouldā€™ve known him back in the day). A gang of us were in the back of his brotherā€™s Caddy after a night out in Nenagh. The sisterā€™s ex was giving it big licks to my cousin, and they were arguing and your man called him blind. We turfed your man out the back of the Caddy, leaving him a few km uphill to walk home. My cousin roared out at it him ā€œI might be blind but at least I can drive without crashing every timeā€


Different by degree certainly.

This girl is very impressive, I predict a bright future


A study was done a few years ago which showed it was the equivalent of driving with four pints on board.

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Thereā€™s lots of this in justice. The impact and results of someoneā€™s actions have to have some impact on the punishment or compensation owed.

You could walk up to two fellas and hit them a dig. One fella isnā€™t too bothered and the other fella falls down dead. Should the punishment be the same for you in both cases? You didnā€™t intend any worse outcome in either case. But in the second instance you killed a fella and you have to pay the consequences for that. I think once you do something outside the rules you have to bear the conquences of your actions.

Ah but she deserves a ā€œfairā€ trial according to our resident head banger.

She doesnā€™t deserve a fair trial?

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Go for a cycle like a good lad, preferably with no helmet downhill.

I wouldnā€™t find that impressive at all. What benefit can she expect to get from taking that to social media?

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They got a fair trial, my parents would be good be good friends with the Corbett/Lynch family. They left a lot out of the book on the intimidation that occurred running up to the trial in the states. Outragous stuff that you would believe unless you knew them. The father has large connections being ex fbi. Its the only reason that the state prosecuter didnā€™t go for murder 1 was he is ex fbi and the jury may not convict as in that state you can get the death penalty. Molly martins herself posted letters to the editor sections to the leader and post to contact the children, contacted parents of children in school with them and even that gobshite niall boylan gave her airtime. Dangerous people

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I wasnā€™t referring to the tweet, that popped up on my timeline and brought her to mind, sheā€™s been through an awful lot on her short life yet sheā€™s quite the prodigy in a few fields, look her up, she has a profile which helps obviously but sheā€™s impressive

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A relative of mine was nicely rearended while waiting to enter a roundabout by solicitor changing a CD

Iā€™ll take your word for it, and hope she does well. Iā€™d just worry for someone washing their emotional linen on twitter like that

I find it odd the things and people that some lads here find are okay to post up here from Twitter and the ones that arenā€™t.

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Heard the son interviewed too and have to say very impressive. That family have been through the ringer but itā€™s very clear the premium they put on value of family.

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Ye should have bate him like a badger.

When I was a young lad, a woman came to our house. I suppose I was 6 or 7 at most. The woman told my mother that I decked her son at school. My mother came up stairs and asked what happened. I told her that the little fella I walloped was hiding something from the cousin that he couldnā€™t see and taking the Mick out of him. I was never punished for that, and my mother told yer wan to get lost.

By the time we were teens, I would have been relying on him if I got in bother as opposed to the other way round.

Women wearing reflective clothing.