Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

€25k a day to rent a building that would otherwise be empty. Between that and Citywest we’ve some negotiation team


I’d have an idea around these things and if you had said to me €25k a month I’d be questioning it. €25k a day is… I actually have no words :no_mouth:

No doubt they signed a 5 years deal with the owners and will have to pay the full whack no matter what.


Lads its been nice knowing ye. I have just been informed that there is an arrest warrant out for me from the Department of Social Protection for money laundering because of some suspicious activity on my PPS number. Just waiting on the the armed unit now to turn up.


You’ll be back online in no time.

We are in pagination times.

I can lend you an account to keep the racket on the road. I accept payment in Bonfire only

Make it happen

The finest minds in the public service

fuxsake, take down that pic of glas on his come to work as adrian mole day

Our Minister for Housing attempts at digging
a hole


I’d say the gobshite never used a shovel before

Also appears to be a left footer.


He’s like a lad ating a bowl of Corn Flakes

Would make one think that the negotiators may not be as stupid as they seem and a little bit of the 25k makes it back to them somehow.

Its costs 25k a day to have the Dail there.
It doesn’t cost 25k a day to rent.

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Ladybird that for me please.


Where did you ever see a navvy with a little butty spade like that, that’s a woman’s gardening spade ffs. He’s rapidly closing in on his predecessor for cuntish behaviour.


he is from Malahide mate

we are above digging holes


The 25k includes costs for IT, audio visual systems, security etc

Its not rent for the use of the venue which I believe is nominal