Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

His private secretary will get some bollocking for not having trialled the spade and sod first.

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ā€œYou can have the car for free lads, but Iā€™ve put petrol in, awful dear premium stuff, and thatā€™ll cost ye 57kā€

Thatā€™s what I would have been talking about, still far far far x 1000 too high.

Butty is a great word

So I followed through on my promise and bought my boy a rubby ball.

Heā€™s delighted with it.


His left hand is just about communicating his thoughts


Throws on couches.

Really. Theyā€™re the business for when you have messy kids. Or spill shit and blame it on the kids.

Youā€™re after getting some colour on your head Bando.


They fall


Thatā€™s harrowing reading.

Hard to know how the father goes on.


I wonder the very same thing myself. I came across an account called Conors Clips on twitter but little did I realise it was actually the father in this particular case. He has been fighting a legal battle to allow his childrens names be made public. He has kept their memory alive by posting videos of them or photos of family days out. He celebrates the birthdays and instances like when the tooth fairy came for the first time. It is all present tense and you wont find one instance where he refers to the kids as been gone or not seeing them again. It is a remarkable coping mechanism or mindtrick to extricate himself from the heartbreak but what other option does he have. Poor man. Devastating.


What drove her to kill them did it say,I know she claiming insanity

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I remember dipping into that one day. Itā€™s hard going. Not sure how he managed at all.

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she was insane enough to suffocate 3 kids in 2 separate incidents but not insane to off herself. the human mind is a strange place and the survival instinct is strong in some and weak in others

Iā€™m not sure but heard from a couple of sources that she thought the world was too bad a place for them to grow up and live their lives and that theyā€™d be better off dead. My wife worked in same hospital as her a number of years ago. Harrowing case and there can be little or no warning signs.


Some of details of case are just beyond credibility almost. We would all think of a maternal instinct is one in which protect the young at all costs. I find it hard to reconcile that with some of the evidence. Particularly of how she suffocated her son and laid him on master bed, then suffocated the daughter and then placed her beside her brother. Her niece texted her about her upcoming wedding to which the mother replied of how excited she was to attend. The daughter somehow regained consciousness and then she went back to finish off what she started.

Probably a waste of time trying to make any sense of something like that.
I presume everybody has had dark moments where youā€™ve wondered how you would react if absolutely everything was taken away from you in the blink of an eye
