Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

She had a breakdown in July 2019 and had very extensive dealings with different mental health professionals after that, but in the days prior to the death of the children, Mr McGinley and her extended family had believed she was improving. This, Ms Lawlor said, transpired not to be the case.

The mind is a very tricky thing. Sometimes there is no saving it. There is plenty of criticism on Irelands mental health services, rightly or wrongly, but it seems from an uneducated and ill informed look into this case, that help was there, given and gotten, and yet still.

I’m not sure how he goes on.

County Councillors are paid €17k per annum with expenses on top of that.
The Moorhead report * recommends that this stipend be increased to €25k per annum with effect from this July. The Government are sanguinely nodding their collective heads at this.
I think it’s fucking ludicrous, fat useless cunts getting that kind of dosh for promoting the trimming of hedges and pothole maintenance. The portly local incumbent will experience my wrath at the 1st opportunity.

  • I’ve not idea who this spoofer is but his name is attached to it.d
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You’d make a great councillor boxty, you’d have the lot of them on a string.

Yerrah it isn’t half enough really for all the shit you’d have to put up with along with holding down a full time job.


Some tits up


FFS Get a life.

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He/She/They had to go.

Fucking Nazis trying to hijack language again — that’s how all authoritarian regimes start.


A fucking union rep reporting a worker to management

The article says twice the words “forced to apologise”. No one was actually forced to do anything or to apologise there. The bit of editorial license there achieved its goal in getting simpletons like @Thomas_Brady and the usual suspects woubd up to ninety though.

so you think that its an issue that a RMT union rep would deliberately try and get a RMT employee in trouble, rather than approaching the individual concerned?

i really hope youre not going for anything at ADC tomorrow

The only one wound up appears to be you - I’ve only stated the obvious.



Censoring or controlling language is something nazis do. Well spotted pal.

What’s ADC? Did he really try to get someone in trouble? No, he, sorry they, were just trying to make a point on twitter. I don’t really agree the tweet or that anyone should be taking offence, but that article and you, are blowing it up into more than it was.

Ok calm down pal, we won’t let the Nazis get you.

annual delegate conference.

he was a snivelling little snitch, dobbing in his supposed comrade.

they are not to be trusted

What’s the conference on?

Like I said, I don’t agree with the arsey point he was trying to make. But you’ve blown it up into something it wasn’t.

Then you’ve the Nazis like @Thomas_Brady who want to limit people’s right to make arsey PC tweets on twitter. There’d be no such thing as free speech if @Thomas_Brady and the Nazis had their way.

Trying to make out others are agitated is a sure sign that you’re bubbling away nicely here… You should just refrain from these threads if they rattle you so much.

annual AHCPS conference

he knew what he was doing by tweeting the company, the actions of a weasely snivelling little shit

conversely when people make those types of tweets, there should be the availability to tell them to FOAD without fear of police involvement