Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

You can disagre with the tweet without exaggerating what it was or the effect of it.

agreed, they is a real simpleton

The reply from the company is pathetic in fairness. That’s the world we live in now - fear of falling foul of some woke brigade so some poor chap who wished everyone a good afternoon gets scolded for it .

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theres no exaggeration, as a union rep he shouldve approached the union member. hope the cunt gets voted out next time out

hopefully it turns out as a chrissy teigen situation


No idea if this is wrong or right tbh

Sounded like the prosecution lawyer agreed tbh.

Lads getting wound up over a cobbled together “news story” from that famous publication UKUpdates.co.uk. Mother of God.


its also in pinknews if that makes you feel better

Railway apologises to non-binary passenger for ‘ladies and gentlemen’ (pinknews.co.uk)

There was never going to be any other outcome. Both prosecution, defence and Judge agreed before jury deliberations that it was most sensible option. She will probably be spending a lot of time in the Central mental health hospital in Dundrum. I think she hopes to get escort day release into society again.
I think I find myself in the grey area between whether sentencing is right or wrong too. Could you argue all people who commit this time of act have mental health issues. If you start there and work backwards it makes sense. Afterall it is impossible to rationalise the act. It doesn’t sit right with me that a person could take 3 young lives and with restoration of their mental health faculty can reassimilate back into society again.


It’s a very tricky area. As you said in some ways you’d have genuine sympathy for her but then again three children lost their lives.

It’s just tragic.

This is a huge story worldwide - HUGE …


The fuck?

she has no hope of getting over her mental health problems, if she is making progress then it will kick in that she killed her 3 kids


Proving insanity is a very high bar to reach, so no, you couldn’t. It’s a horrifically sad case.

You don’t smother two of your children, go pick up your oldest from school to bring him home and kill him without knowing what you’re doing, she had attempted to poison two of them the night previous too? Too much planning gone into the actions it’s a farce of a verdict and mental illness is becoming a very worrying excuse for these type of horrific crimes.


one bed cottage for over half a mill

shark truly jumped

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The 20th of May


an amount of sunshine coming in the window