Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Point stands. If they wanted to make some sort of statement about their principles they had to take some action, donā€™t you think? Pretty minimal action really, your reaction to it seems over the top.

The Tory government are actively encouraging racism. Maybe this chap made a mistake although the volume suggests otherwise. Making excuses for this behaviour only encourages others to do the same. Interesting that itā€™s cricket which is not an inclusive sport in the UK. How many black players have played for England. Very few Asians play for England despite its popularity in India and Pakistan and the large numbers of those born in the UK.

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Cricket has had plenty of Asian players represent England - Ali, Bopara, Rashid, Panesar, Hussain, Mahmood, Hameed etc from memory.

Itā€™s football that has had a shockingly low number of British Asians. Jimmy Carter and Michael Chopra rare examples of top level pros

Football amongst Asians is like hurling in Limerick. Just not in their culture. Youā€™ve listed a few cricketers that are Asian but there should be far more of them. The reason there arenā€™t is because itā€™s not an inclusive sport.

Thatā€™s more of a class issue than a race issue but a fair point.

And hurling is played in pockets of East and South Limerick FYI.

So you are saying China are going to win the next World Cup?

Marylebone Cricket Club. The custodians of the game of cricket.

I think we need to add racial bias in English grassroots cricket to the list of TFK experts thread.

Also the amount, purity and source of cocaine currently available in the UK.

It seems quite curious to me that anybody would start off from a default position of thinking Ollie Robinson is the victim of this situation.

I think that alone says how effective so called ā€œanti-wokeā€ ie. pro-racism propaganda has been.

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Michael Martin using ā€˜losing childrenā€™ to flag a failing political career.


He failed all the way to the highest position of power in Ireland.

What a country.


Worked for Boris Johnson. Though he lost them in the way youā€™d lose some loose change down the side of the couch.


The Tories need to bring more clarity to this issue, perhaps an age limit like U21 or U18 where you can be as racist as you like but once you come of age you switch the racist button to Off.

That would be DIVISIVE between the overage and underage racists. We canā€™t be DIVISIVE.

U16s at it too

They must all be getting exposed by Chris Wokes.

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ā€˜Privateā€™ health care ā€¦a rigged system. My own doc told me a i need a scope down the gob into my stomach ā€¦ of course the specialist had to see me first - Tell me your symptoms - about 90 seconds later - ā€˜yeah it sounds like weā€™ll need to give you a scope in 4 months time, that will be ā‚¬170 please, have a good day.ā€™

I knew walking in there it was a shake down. The secretary knew it was a shake down and the cunt in the white coat certainly didnt hide that it was a shake down. Grand iā€™ve healthcare through work and get 70% back but what a fucking system - what a fucking country. Iā€™d have more respect for a junkie holding you up at knife point, at least heā€™s strung out - the cunt above is just full of greed. Iā€™ll have to get on the Healy-Rae bus and head north.


Something up with your gut health mate? How ironic.

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Would they charge you more if they had to shove the scope up your hole?