Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

thatā€™s insane stuff

Weā€™ll know if I ever get a scope.

Iā€™ll ask for the full options and get back to you.

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Fuck 'em. Iā€™ll do it for 40 quid and a bag of fizzy chewits.

Slaintecare will save the day palā€¦itā€™s gonna be epicā€¦

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Iā€™d be concerned as to where those chewits might end up.

A nation holds its breath ā€¦

It will be like a ā€˜champions league type format ā€˜ was to the gaa ā€¦game changer

But I thought your body was a temple bud,fancy pale ales,only the best grub?Have you gout?Youā€™ll have to be on a waiting list for 2 years to go North


Sure it was clear to see over the weekend his gut microbiome issues was driving him doolally

Thatā€™s what FFG want.

Make healthcare unaffordable for the poor and less well off, just like housing actually.

My lifestyle and choice of food and drink have nothing to do with the suspected condition.

A swing and a miss there fucko.

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We need a much more British healthcare system. Paddy wouldnā€™t know a healthcare system if it left him waiting six years on a waiting list.

British is best.

Youā€™re like a gnawing little rat scurrying around the forum feeding off little bits of other peopleā€™s shit.

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Wash that sand outta your vagina mate.Im only worried about you.I hope you make a full recovery.

Donā€™t wait around on getting the test irregardless of cost mate. Itā€™s pain to pay and it be fine but youā€™ll be thankful if there is something wrong

Iā€™ll be fine kidā€¦

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Once you sort the gut youā€™ll feel much more zen.

Ate more fermented foods. And shhteak cooked over charcoal.

Iā€™ll keep that in mind should I develop any gut problems down the road.

You need to take salts for the day before for that one to get yourself cleaned out. So youā€™ve two days off work and the cost of the salts and jacks paper.