Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

All alcoholics too locked in with their children.

If only there were places to send both partys during lockdown. This could have been avoided

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It’s gas when you hear parents complaining that their children are anxious and afraid over covid. Where the fuck do you think they picked that anxiety up from?


From the iPad?

Spot on. What comes from a crow’s egg only a crow


George Lee

Big time. I was accused of being a murderer on here not so long ago by a few of these mental bastards for letting my kids play with the neighbours


This is the guy people were asked to trust the future of their children to.


Trot Mammy trot Daddy why wouldn’t baby trot?

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Aware of one set of parents who had some sort of UV light inside the front door of the house and the kids would have to hand over their bags in the evening for “sanitation time”. :eek:



I only used one of them to disinfected the tins of beans after shopping

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That picture is damning. Look at his face, he’s evil!

Imagine the towels in Cork under one of those.

Christ Almighty

Sounds like Detective Tony wouldn’t have greatly helped in the STDP investigation.
Did you ever meet him, socially that is?

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It did cross my mind :grimacing:

Would remind you of the Russian linked guy found with two bulletwounds to the back of his head and bound up inside in a suitcase that was declared suicide.

Surely that copper in the article would have been pulled on the detail and asked explain???

This was the seventies. Twas the wild west of policing.

Late 80s but I take your point. But still, surely he was asked to account for his comment years on. Just seems so far removed from reality not to have pulled on.

He’s probably dead

from a different article:

"Detective Miller also said Ms Warren had suffered from depression, although her brother Stephen insisted she would not have committed suicide. "

Played into the thinking behind his comments Id imagine.

Well, Im now satisfied. Case closed, Im off to the pub.