Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

The most paedo head ever


An Irish jig to top it off.

Pain in jaw from root canal induced infection while writing my father’s eulogy.


Ah Jesus. Sorry for your loss. Hope you’re getting through it as best you can.

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Jaysus sorry about that mike. That’s terrible. May he RIP.

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Sorry to hear that Mike.
Ar dheis DĂ© go raibh a anam dĂ­lis.

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Sorry for your loss Mike. Hope you are holding up well, despite your dental issue

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Sorry to hear about your Dad Mike. May he rest in peace.

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Hopefully he was lucid enough to revel in the scamp’s recent athletic victory.

Thoughts with you and yours


Condolences @mikehunt.May he RIP.

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Sorry for your loss, Mike.

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Sorry to hear this. May he Rest in Peace.

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Condolences @mikehunt. May he rest in peace.

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Sorry to hear that Mike. RIP

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Ar Dheis DĂ©, a MhichĂ­l.

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Condolences @mikehunt Sorry for your loss.

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Sorry for your loss, RIP to your Dad.

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Sorry for your loss @mikehunt

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Sorry for your loss @mikehunt - hope you can give him a decent send off at least

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Very sorry to hear that. Look after yourself as best you can. Coming for many of us shortly in the post. Take care X

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