Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

Sorry to hear mate, may he rest in peace.

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really sorry to hear that @mikehunt

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Sorry for your loss @mikehunt

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Sorry to hear that Mike.

Hope he has the send off he deserves.

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Sorry to hear that Mike
May he rest in peace

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Christ, that’s tough mate. I hope he died well.

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Sorry to hear this news @mikehunt . A tough time for you and yours.
SĂșaimhneas sĂ­orrĂ­ d’anam uasal.

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As always, ‘likes’ here are truly out of sympathy and solidarity.

The bed of heaven to him.



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Condolences maneen.

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Jesus man, that’s horrendous, my condolences to you and your family.

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Fuck Mike I’m so sorry. RIP to your dad.

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thoughts and prayers @mikehunt

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Sorry for your loss.

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Cars who accelerate when you go to overtake them. Has happened me twice in the last week, both cars involved were BMWs.

Absolute pricks.


That happened to me 2 weeks ago with a jeep. He stayed beside me on a straight narrow country road then stopped. Was fuckin scary.

The apathy towards the All-Ireland Championships this weekend.

Sorry for your loss. I hope he is remembered well at his funeral.

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