Further Things That Are Wrong (Part 1)

ā€¦ā€¦ +1

4% keep it

The fucking midgies
The cunts


Pickey blood?

What a terrible name

You what?

Iā€™m no great fan of jail sentences but wtf?

Cocaine is an utter blight.
You donā€™t just accidentally happen upon that amount of it, with scales etc. Youā€™d also have to have been at if for a long time to have your house raided.


Thatā€™s more of our judiciary messing up, suspended sentence?
FFS he was a dealer of death for profit nothing else

No previous criminal convictions, thatā€™s standard enough; and the strict conditions arenā€™t detailed but Iā€™d presume itā€™s sentence activated if he gets in any more drugs bother

The cunts destroy me. As a kid, weā€™d forestry behind our fields and I basically couldnā€™t go out on summer evenings. Get terrible reactions (doctor said I was allergic) to any kind of insect sting or bite, but not as bad in my adult life. I suppose repellent has made it a little easier. I was out for a run the other day and got off a mountain onto some forestry road. The cunts swarmed around me. Forced me back to the mountain and a wrong turn to get away from them. Cunts.


Same as that. Iā€™ve gotten cellulitis twice from insect bites. Once pretty bad

Once a summer as a kid I had to go down to the doctors for an injection at least. Got me out of a few days footing turf in the bog on the bright side.

Always thought the horseflies were the biggest cunts until my eyelid swelled over from a mosquito in Canada.

Weā€™ll attract a swarm of neer do wells if we keep sharing insect stories :grinning:

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Also know as a clag or claaaag



FAO @caulifloweredneanderthal ā€¦You need to bring a big cigar with you when running. They fuck off lively when youā€™re blowing the smoke around you. You stop, light up, a few drags and plenty of aromatic air and theyā€™re away.


Lovely stuff. Will pack that in future. It might fuck the running up for me but if it pisses off those cunts, itā€™ll be worth it.

Strap on a few citronella candles

I have this wristband Citronella job that I got in the pound shop that Iā€™ll bring the next time. Actually Iā€™ll just avoid that route. The cunts are all around at the moment. Iā€™d say theyā€™ll be dying off soon.

I remember being at a wedding reception up the Wicklow mountains that was basically destroyed by midges devouring the guests alive. It was in a marquis.

Thereā€™s a place there in Wicklow called Cloon woods I think that I was in recently. The cunts were nibbling at my face. Wicklow is full of the fuckers.

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